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Viego, the ruined king himself, is finally arriving in League of Legends. The first champion of season 11 is set to dominate the jungle – and perhaps a little more than Summoner’s Rift. Here is everything you need to master it.

Viego, at bottom, is the first crossover champion in League of Legends. Ruined King himself is not only being added to MOBA, but he is also getting an entire single-player game built on it.

However, your crossover is not a joke appearance.

It has the real power to drastically change the finish line, especially in the jungle and on the upper track. If you want to acquire Viego when he releases the 11.2 patch for the League, we have everything you need to know here.

Riot Games

Viego is alive and ready to detonate the Summoner’s Rift.

Viego’s Skills

The Viego kit is the best of all brutes. He has healing built into his passive, performs his ultimate, and if you stay behind, you can steal an enemy’s soul and use his fed items. Good deal, right?

Passive: Sovereign Domination

Viego’s liabilities are arguably the strongest part of his kit. This allows him to possess enemies after his death, recovering his abilities and items, as well as a permanent reset. If you manage to take down the enemy’s cargo, Viego can possess them and destroy the fight.

Q: Blade of the Destroyed King

What a suitable name for the Destroyed King. Your Q is a very simple wave cleaning tool, but its liabilities are interesting. It deals a percentage of the target’s current health as damage on hit, double hit after using an ability.

This means that you will want to carry out automatic attacks among your launched abilities to heal these charges, as well as maximize your DPS.

W: Spectral Maw

This is Viego’s gapcloser and CC capability, all in one. Viego moves forward and forward, stunning the first enemy hit. The duration of the stun increases, but the range of the shock and damage does not increase as you carry it. You can touch it for a quick update of your passive Q or surprise your enemies with a large charge out of sight.

E: Harrowed path

Viego’s Harrowed Path really makes it lethal in the jungle. It spreads fog across the terrain, becoming camouflaged and gaining attack speed and movement speed while fighting on it. You will want to go through this at the beginning of each trade, using invisibility to peek.

R: heartbreaker

Your ultimate is very simple. He advances, attacking the enemy with the lowest health in range, dealing damage based on his lost life. It is an execution that he has when upgrading with his passive, while he regenerates charges by stealing enemy bodies, allowing him to make some Darius-style moves.

Best runes for Viego

Viego runes are very flexible. Like most brutes, Viego thrives with Conqueror in long fights. In partnership with Triumph, Legend: Alacrity and Coup de Grace ⁠— the typical AD duelist page ⁠— he manages to keep his DPS high while also improving his execution on enemies in poor health.

However, this is not the only rune you can take. You can choose to take Dark Harvest and greed for piles, making it a murder machine at the end of the game. You can also choose Grasp of the Undying if you want a more tank build. However, in most games, Conqueror will have the best return.

Viego Conqueror rune page in League of Legends

Best construction for Viego

Of course, what is the ruined king without his sword? Viego benefits a lot from Blade of the Ruined King, and although it is not a Mythic item, it is powerful enough with its kit to run first.

So you can see what Mythic needs, and it is also very flexible. If you need to pop tanks, you can get the Kraken Slayer. If you want extra healing, Immortal Shieldbow is fine. For a better duel, you can look at Trinity Force. All three are good, but Trinity Force is the best way to go in general cases.

A typical construction of a duelist-brawler is very strong in Viego from then on. Death’s Dance, Guardian Angel, Silvermere Dawn and Sterak’s Gage are all strong. Wit’s End is good situationally, just like Mortal Reminder, and if your team needs it, you can opt for a more tank build with picks like Force of Nature and Thornmail.

At the other end of the scale, you can choose an attack speed build when you hit. With its Q scale based on attack speed, and overall having a lot of hits in your kit, you can kill enemies quickly if you choose high-speed attack items.

Viego sword in League of Legends
Riot Games

It is literally in your name. Build the ruined king’s blade. It’s a no-brainer.

How to play Viego

The cleaning of the Viego jungle is a little slow if you take it to the jungle. He climbs well, but in the beginning, he fights the lack of DPS. Because of this slow cleaning, you may prefer to take it to the upper lane. He can still play around the alcove to use his shroud, and its slow cleaning will not be so punished.

His passive Q trading allows him to win almost all short fights at the start as well. Despite appearances that he appears weak, having the double hit and healing built in means that he can sustain himself through the enemy’s damage, while also doing more if you combine skills and automobiles.

Regardless of how you start ⁠ – or what role you play ⁠ – your maximum skill will always be the same: Q in E in W. Your W doesn’t earn much when you level up, but your E scales late.

In team fights, you want to update as much as possible. This means controlling the souls of your enemies and putting them to use. You will want to prioritize damage-causing in most situations, however, stealing a tank opponent’s soul is not a bad idea if your team loses its frontline ahead of time.

This flexibility in his kit makes him a very versatile champion. He can really be anything that your team needs, even if it’s just for a fight. The best Viego will always be able to assess the situation and find out who would be the best champion soul to maintain the advantage.

Viego will be released sometime in the LoL patch 11.2, which will be released on January 21st.
