Plaskett irons male lawmakers ‘would not have their wives in an attempt to speak to her’ during the impeachment trial

Del. Impeachment manager of the house. Stacey PlaskettStacey PlaskettStacey Plaskett becomes the first non-voting delegate in history to act as an impeachment manager. (D-Virgin Islands) on Friday drew a parallel between the process of courting someone and President TrumpDonald Trump, NRCC finance president: Republicans who voted for Trump’s impeachment will not be penalized Blinken, the UN chief’s first contact after the US reinstated the Climate Agreements, WHO GOP senators met with the impeachment team Trump to discuss strategiesThe repeated allegations of electoral fraud that Democrats claim led to a deadly Capitol rebellion on December 6.

“This attack is not about speech. Most of you men would not have your wives with an attempt to speak to her,” Plaskett said while arguing that the January 6 riot would never have happened without Trump.

“There were several attempts. You had to build this, ”she continued. “It was also what the president did. He brought together the group that would do what he wanted, which would be to prevent certification of the election so that he could maintain the power of President of the United States in violation of an American election. “


Democrats would need 17 Republican senators to join them in condemning Trump for inciting the riot, which currently seems unlikely.
