Pence rules out invoking 25th Amendment to remove Trump

Vice President Mike Pence on Tuesday ruled out the possibility of invoking the 25th Amendment to remove President Trump from office.

In a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Pence said he did not believe that invoking the amendment eight days before the end of Trump’s term was “in our nation’s best interest or consistent with our constitution”.

He urged Congress to focus on the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden and to avoid Trump’s impeachment.

“In the midst of a global pandemic, economic hardship for millions of Americans and the tragic events of January 6, now is the time to unite, now is the time to heal,” wrote Pence.

“I ask you and all members of Congress to avoid actions that can further divide and inflame the passions of the moment.”

The House of Representatives met Tuesday night to vote urging Pence to invoke the amendment – which would declare Trump unable to fulfill his obligations – after supporters of the president invaded the U.S. Capitol last week.

But Pence said in his letter that the mechanism should only be used for cases of medical or mental disability and not “as a form of punishment or usurpation”.

Pelosi said that if Pence refuses to use the 25th Amendment, the House will propose impeaching the president for the second time.

At least three Republicans said they would vote for impeachment.

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