Pelosi praises the presence of the National Guard in DC after resisting troops during the BLM riots

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi appears to have changed her mind when it comes to protecting the country’s capital.

Pelosi publicly thanked National Guard troops for protecting “democracy” last Wednesday after a crowd of Trump supporters invaded the U.S. Capitol to oppose Congressional certification for the 2020 presidential election.


The California lawmaker told a group of guards “that the Capitol, our democracy, our Constitution are safe because of their patriotism” less than a year after he rebuked President Trump for sending troops to DC to contain the violent unrest caused for the death of George Floyd, a black man who died on May 25 while in the custody of the Minneapolis police.

Pelosi’s critics were quick to highlight the reversal, pointing to her June 4 press conference, where she expressed concerns about “the increased militarization and lack of clarity that may increase chaos”.

“With what authority do these National Guard people come from other states?” Pelosi asked at the time.

The lead Democrat expressed outrage at the worrying image of troops stationed around the Lincoln Memorial, which had been targeted by vandals earlier that month.

Pelosi said that sending troops to DC represented “a day of great sadness”, but he seems to have liked the idea in the following days.

“Even during this dark period in America’s history, we find reason to hope,” she wrote last week on Twitter. “I was privileged today to personally thank the members of the National Guard who are working to protect our nation’s Capitol. Thank you for your commitment to our American democracy.”

Authorities have increased the number of National Guard members deployed in Washington, DC, to 25,000 after the deadly turmoil and continuing threats of domestic terrorism, as President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration approaches.
