Parscale says Trump should run in 2024 as a ‘martyr’

Brad ParscaleBrad ParscaleAides tried to stop Trump from attacking McCain in hopes of conquering Arizona: report MORE, old President TrumpDonald TrumpChamber of Commerce is coming out: reports that Fox News Media cancels Lou Dobbs show. Republican Party lawmakers are calling for Pelosi to be fined for new exhibitions. MOREThe former Trump campaign manager urged Trump to run for the White House again in 2024 as a “martyr”.

Parscale noted that Trump is about to go through an impeachment trial for the second time next week, suggesting that the lawsuit will take him to new heights in the eyes of Republican believers.

“If they only accused you twice, you need to run again. Because to change the system you have to kick it in a # $. I would love to be the only president to undergo three impeachment processes. Because the story resembles those who didn’t conform, ”he tweeted.

“If Trump asked me how to win again. I would run being accused twice. They are about to give him superpowers. They just aren’t smart enough to see that, ”said Parscale in a later post. “They just don’t understand it yet. They are about to make you a martyr. “

The comments come amid speculation that the former president will make another offer for the White House in 2024. Trump has not ruled it out, although he may face headwinds after being attacked by the January 6 riots on Capitol Hill, which produced a sharp drop in their approval ratings.

The House last month accused Trump of his role in inciting insurrection, making him the first U.S. president to be impeached on two different occasions. He must be acquitted at his second trial.

With a 50-50 split in the Senate, each Democrat would need to be accompanied by 17 Republicans to result in a conviction; however, all but five of them voted for a measure that considers the trial unconstitutional, as Trump is out of office.

Parscale was a key player in the Trump campaign in 2016 and returned as his campaign manager in his candidacy for re-election until he was ousted in July. He left the campaign entirely in September, when he was involuntarily detained by police at his Florida home.
