Opera now has a game engine to accompany your player-facing browser

“We look forward to further increasing Opera GX and driving GameMaker growth, making it more accessible to novice users and building on the world’s leading 2D game engine used by commercial studios,” said Krystian Kolondra, EVP Browsers at Opera in a blog post.

But what is the ultimate goal here? It is hard to say. Many companies, including Google, Microsoft and Amazon, see streaming as the future of browser-based games. Does Opera want a similar offer for Opera GX users? Or do you want to follow companies like Epic Games, owner of the popular Unreal Engine? For now, we can only speculate. “We’ve always had big plans to improve GameMaker on all platforms, both from the perspective of improving accessibility and further developing the resources available to commercial studios,” said Stuart Poole, general manager of YoYo Games. “And now we can’t wait to see them arrive much sooner.”
