Olivia Wilde has a “holeless A ** policy” on set after dismissing Shia LaBeouf

Olivia Wilde does not represent any BS on her film set. She is directing and starring in her new film, Do not worry, dear. Lately, it seems that the drama that is happening off the screen can overcome the drama that is going to happen on the screen. She recently fired Shia LaBeouf after her ex, FKA Twigs, revealed that she is suing him for “relentless abuse” that she experienced during their relationship. Shia was replaced by Harry Styles, who is now dating Olivia (it’s complicated, I know). Now, she is saying that she has a new rule as a director.

“The no-hole policy puts everyone on the same level,” said Olivia Promising young woman director Emerald Fennell during a Variety interview. “I also realized as an actress for years how the set hierarchy separated the actors from the crew in this very weird way that serves no one. I think the actors would like to know more about, ‘What’s going on there when you’re pulling my focus “What is this lens change?” But the idea of ​​not disturbing the actors and keeping them apart and not looking at them, I think it makes everyone very anxious.

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Olivia’s directorial debut was a hilarious comedy, Smart book. Before filming the film, she added that she received terrible advice.

Someone, who is a very established actor and director in this industry, gave me really terrible advice that was helpful, because I knew I had to do the opposite, “she continued.” They said, ‘Listen, the way to get respect for a set, you have to have three arguments a day. Three great arguments that restore its power, remind everyone who is in charge, to be the predator. This is the opposite of my process. And I don’t want any of that. “

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