Ocasio-Cortez raises $ 1 million for help in Texas and plans trip to Houston

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-CortezAlexandria Ocasio-CortezBoebert responds to criticisms of its gun storage in the context of Zoom On The Money: Biden faces reaction from the left on student loans | Situation of the relief measure COVID-19 | Retail sales rebound Five things to know about Texas’s tense power grid MORE (DN.Y.) on Thursday night raised $ 1 million for Texas relief organizations that are working to help people suffering from the record winter storm and said he will take a trip to Houston this weekend. .

$ 1 million raised in direct relief for Texans in less than a day, ”tweeted Ocasio-Cortez. “As a thank you to everyone who contributed and expanded, I will be going to Texas this weekend to visit w / @LaCongresista in Houston and highlight what is happening on the ground.”

Many Texans are suffering from an unprecedented winter storm that devastated the state and many others, leaving nearly 50 dead and millions without power or water.

The money Ocasio-Cortez raised is being split between The Bridge Homeless Recovery Center, Ending Community Homeless Coalition, Family Eldercare, Houston Food Bank and Feeding Texas.

The storm left much of Texas with extremely low temperatures that froze water pipes in many homes and caused some to burst. Dozens died of complications from arctic freezing.

The Ocasio-Cortez movements come as many are calling for the resignation of the Texas leadership, including the senator. Ted CruzRafael (Ted) Edward CruzKacey Musgraves takes aim at Sen. Cruz with the fundraiser ‘Cruzin for a bruzin t-shirt’ Heidi Cruz invited friends and neighbors with them to Cancún in group texts: NYT Cruz says ‘it was a mistake’ to go to Cancún amid Texas arctic explosion MORE (R) after he left the state during the storm to take his daughters to Cancún, Mexico.

“I was trying to be a father,” said Cruz to defend his actions. “And we all make decisions – when you have two girls who have been cold for two days and have no heating or power and they say, ‘Hey, look, we don’t have school, why don’t we go. Let’s get out of here.’ “

Cruz flew back to Texas and has since said that his original plans were to stay in Mexico longer.

Critics said this disaster was preventable and that the Texas leadership ignored calls to update Texas’s power grid for years.
