Non-invasive treatment of prostate cancer is the biggest step in 20 years

A non-invasive treatment of prostate cancer announced as the biggest breakthrough in 20 years is effective, a study confirmed.

Focal therapy prevents side effects related to surgery and radiation, and means that patients can recover at home.

Focal therapy can give thousands of men a better quality of life


Focal therapy can give thousands of men a better quality of lifeCredit: Getty

This procedure uses high-intensity ultrasound to heat cancerous tissue with millimeter precision or cryotherapy to cool it.

Few public hospitals have the equipment and doctors are skeptical due to a lack of long-term data.

But Imperial College London claims to have gathered enough evidence to support its general use.

Professor Hashim Ahmed, a leading prostate cancer specialist, said: “Our study showed that focal therapy reduces urine leakage and sexual problems by up to ten times.

“It is important to note that, for the first time, we have shown that he has similar cancer control in radical prostatectomy, five to eight years after treatment.

“Although focal therapy is not suitable for all patients, there are thousands each year that are appropriate and should be fully informed about it.”

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men in the UK, with about 48,500 new cases each year.

Prostate cancer is now the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the UK


Prostate cancer is now the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the UKCredit: Alamy
Rod Stewart encourages men to put a ‘finger in the butt’ and check for prostate cancer after beating the disease

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