Nick Saban answers the question about Alabama football retirement

Happy Friday everyone. Nick Saban did the round yesterday, talking about the recruiting class and stuff. He was asked about the annual retirement question and gave a very careful answer that you can read here if you like. I prefer the video, personally.

These are great news. Maybe he should hire some equipment managers to handle the recruitment.

Speaking in annual conversations, Jerry Jeudy talks about Bama against the worst NFL team.

Did the 2020 Alabama football team beat the Jaguars or the Jets?

“Yes, I was actually thinking about it this year,” said Jeudy FanSidedin Mark Carman in the name of old spice. “Watching them play this year, these guys are so good, I think they could beat an NFL team. Perhaps. Perhaps.”

Opening the biggest hits of past offseasons earlier this year. So, what would you say? Could Tide have defeated a Jacksonville squad that earned 6.3 YPP for NFL offenses, and was a defender for Gardner Minshew and sixth round rookie Jake Luton outside of Oregon?

Nick also talked about this very different year in recruiting, as in all other facets of life.

“We also include families in virtual practice. We include them in virtual medical meetings, virtual conditioning and strength, academics, academic consultations, ”said Saban. “Is it better in person? Yes, I prefer to have personal relationships and be able to have people visit us and show hospitality and they have a chance to meet more people, not just the person who is actually sailing with them. But we had a lot of people who contributed trying to do this in a number of ways, including our players in some cases. ”

In many cases, the relationships they have built have been sufficient to secure recruitments over the past few days and weeks. He kept his commitment to five-star runner Camar Wheaton, despite great interest from Oklahoma, Texas and Texas A&M in recent weeks, and won the race for four-star defensive back Terrion Arnold over Georgia and Florida on Wednesday.

While Alabama has the best of campus facilities and surroundings, I suspect players who were unable to receive visitors contributed to this achievement. It is much easier for a player to get carried away by the excitement of being the BMOC when the red carpet is extended to him on an official visit. This year, the conversations with the coaches were basically all they had, and Nick Saban will always win in that scenario.

Wide receiver was one of the key position groups this year, and Tide was in four of the top ten. Two of them, JaCorey Brooks and Agiye Hall, are taller than any of the 6’3 ”Rydeouts. Josh Pate asked Nick if this was intentional.

Not to offend Mr. Pate here, but it’s a bit of a silly question after two of the smaller guys went to the first round and two more are about to enter, including the Heisman winner who was the main motivator in the most prolific attack in history of the CFB. Still, this is a very specialized group with two clear external types and two slot types. It will be interesting to see how they combine.

Terrion Arnold is a legitimate basketball talent, as well as one of the top 50 players in football.

Oats sounded on Arnold on Wednesday night.

“He’s tough. [Assistant] Coach [Bryan] Hodgson is recruiting him a lot, ”said Oats after a victory over LSU. “He and Kool-Aid [McKinstry] are two guys who can play both [sports]. We partnered with football to recruit him. He is a type of strong and courageous point guard who can get into the ball. We like him. Shoot, I FaceTimed with him this afternoon. I am excited to bring you. “

“[Saban’s] The message for me was just, ‘Why not participate in a winning program?’ ‘Arnold said during the ESPN broadcast that broadcast his ad. “The level of competition there is top-notch, and if I feel like one of the best players in the country, why not compete with the best? ”

We are happy to have you, Terrion. You can check out some of his hoopin ‘highlights below.

Beautiful handling. You can never have too many guys who know how to dribble.

Finally, we saw Jalen Hurts and Landon Dickerson doing a good job yesterday. Your Tagovailoa has now started its own foundation.

The nonprofit’s first action featured donations of $ 16,667 each to the North Miami Police Athletic League, Big Oak Ranch and the Polynesian Football Hall of Fame, which is located in Hawaii.

Rancho Big Oak aims to help abused, neglected and neglected children “by giving them a solid Christian home and a chance to fulfill God’s plan for their lives” Founded by former Alabama football player John Croyle in 1974, Big Oak Ranch now operates Big Oak Boys ‘Ranch in Gadsden, Big Oak Girls’ Ranch in Springville and Big Oak Cattle. Croyle’s son, former Alabama and Kansas City Chiefs quarterback, Brodie Croyle, is the organization’s executive director.

No one could ever have doubted that Yours would find a way to impact the world.

It’s all for today. Have a great weekend.

Roll Tide.
