Netflix says it is not testing space audio support for AirPods

Netflix says it is not testing space audio support for AirPods Pro and AirPods Max, ending an earlier report that said support would be released in the spring.

In a statement to MacRumors, a Netflix spokesman said it is not testing space audio support and has no plans to make it public at this time. Instead, Netflix says it is testing multichannel support for built-in speakers, as part of its mission to “improve” the service and evaluate “new experiences” for users.

Netflix and AirPods users are anxious, hoping the streaming giant will adopt the feature. The pressure on Netflix does not ease, given the fact that several of its biggest competitors, like Disney Plus, HBO Max and, of course, Apple TV +, all already include support for space audio.

Spatial audio brings three-dimensional sound to your ‌AirPods Pro‌ and ‌AirPods Max‌. Your iOS device will compare your own gyroscope and accelerometer data with your PAirPods‌ data, to ensure that your sound field remains anchored on the device, even if you move your head.
