Most recent in COVID-19 in MN: Moderate case cases; hospital admissions down

State public health leaders to inform reporters at 2pm

Updated at 12:03

The latest COVID-19 data from Minnesota shows that the state remains stable on a relatively moderate growth path in new cases as hospital admissions decline. State officials, however, still believe that another increase is likely in the coming weeks after the holidays.

The Health Department reported 1,504 new confirmed or probable cases of the disease on Wednesday – along with another 50 deaths. It is a higher death count than last week, but the overall trend remains low after a peak in December.

About 665 people were in the hospital with COVID-19 on Tuesday, with 129 needing intensive care. Those counts have dropped by more than half in the past four weeks. The seven-day trend in new hospital admissions has dropped to levels not seen since late October.

Hospital admissions are now lower than Minnesota saw on Nov. 1, but still above the Oct. 1 level.

New COVID-19 hospitalizations in Minnesota

Even as they applaud recent positive trends, health officials have signaled that another increase is expected. Wednesday’s data showed that the count of active confirmed cases in Minnesota has increased, although it is still much lower than last month.

COVID-19 cases confirmed and active in Minnesota

Governor Tim Walz said in mid-December that his COVID-19 observers were concerned about a February peak. On Monday, health commissioner Jan Malcolm prepared Minnesota residents to see daily deaths and the case count rising again.

“We hope to see cases appearing again in Minnesota after the holidays and potentially just as a result of the winter passing and more time indoors and more meetings,” Malcolm told reporters.

Overall, Minnesota’s COVID-19 path remains difficult to trace due to reports from these holiday seasons.

The cases reported on Wednesday put Minnesota at 440,354 in the pandemic. Of these, about 95% recovered to the point that they no longer need to be isolated.

New COVID-19 cases per day in Minnesota

Recently reported deaths have increased the death toll in Minnesota to 5,774. Among those who died, about 64 percent lived in long-term care facilities or assisted living facilities; most had latent health problems.

New COVID-19-related deaths reported in Minnesota each day

Cases spread across age groups, regions

People in their 20s still make up the age group with the highest number of confirmed cases in the state – almost 84,000 since the pandemic began, including more than 44,000 among people aged 20 to 24.

New Minnesota COVID-19 cases by age, adjusted for population

The number of school-age youth confirmed with the disease has also grown, with more than 34,000 cases in total between 15 and 19 years since the pandemic began.

Although they are less likely to experience the worst effects of the disease and end up hospitalized, experts fear that young people and young adults may spread the disease to older relatives and members of other vulnerable populations.

It is especially worrying because people can have the coronavirus and spread COVID-19 when they have no symptoms.

A relatively small increase in new cases is happening across the state.

New COVID-19 cases across the Minnesota region

Hot spots continue to emerge in rural counties in relation to their population.

MN municipalities with the fastest per capita growth in COVID-19 cases

The number of cases is even heavier among people of color

In Minnesota and across the country, COVID-19 hit communities of color disproportionately in cases and deaths. This was especially true for Minnesota residents during much of the pandemic.

New COVID-19 cases per capita by race

Even with the ease of counting new cases since the peak of late November, early December, the data show that people of color continue to be the hardest hit.

Mistrust in the government, coupled with deep-seated health and economic disparities, has hampered efforts to increase testing among communities of color, officials say, especially among unauthorized immigrants who fear that their personal information may be used to deport them.

Similar trends were seen among Minnesota’s indigenous residents. The number of indigenous people increased in October in relation to the population.

‘A delivery promise is not fulfilling’

Minnesota officials hope that the federal government’s request for states to expand the priority group of people receiving the COVID-19 vaccination means that more supplies are coming, but they say the feds are not yet supporting these links with more deliveries. vaccine.

On Tuesday, Trump administration officials asked states to immediately expand eligibility for people 65 and older, as well as for people most vulnerable to the disease.

The government also plans to start distributing the vaccine based on the population of a state over 65 and its rate of vaccination. Currently, doses are allocated based on a state’s total adult population.

About 430,000 doses have been sent to Minnesota so far to health care providers and the federal vaccination program at long-term care institutions, according to the state’s new COVID-19 vaccination panel website; more than 150,000 Minnesota residents have received at least one dose so far.

While Minnesota welcomes more vaccines being made available more quickly to more people, “a promise of delivery is not being kept,” Kris Ehresmann, the state’s director of infectious diseases, told reporters on Tuesday.

Changes in federal recommendations could potentially add “a few million people waiting to be vaccinated” in Minnesota, she said. “If we’re getting just 60,000 doses a week, that’s going to be a real problem.”

No additional doses were sent or arrived, she added.

Graph of new hospitalizations in ICU and non-ICU COVID-19

“We are ready to receive more vaccines if the feds really deliver on their promise,” said Ehresmann. At the moment, “there are no additional doses to use. There are no doses to put in arms to accompany this. “

Later on Tuesday, Governor Tim Walz’s office said the US Department of Health and Human Services agreed to requests from Minnesota and eight other states to release “millions of doses” that were withheld for distribution. The exact amount of supplies that would go to Minnesota, however, was not detailed.

Statewide developments

MN will remain in peacetime emergency for at least another 30 days

The state will remain in a peacetime emergency posture for at least another 30 days.

Gov, Tim Walz extended his executive authority COVID-19 with the approval of a board of state office holders. The statement he first issued last March allowed his government to manage the response to the pandemic. But it also angered critics who say he should consult the legislature more directly.

Although there has been some recent improvement in coronavirus trends here, health commissioner Jan Malcolm said the risks remain.

“Conditions remain very fragile and volatile. We could certainly see and, frankly, expect to see a steady increase in cases, as economic activity and social interactions increase slightly, “said Malcolm.

– Brian Bakst | MPR News

Minnesota sets up phone alert system that tracks COVID

Minnesota is making some changes to the phone alert system it uses to help track COVID-19.

The change applies to many Apple iPhone users. The state’s information technology agency, MNIT, said this weekend that users with newer operating systems will receive a warning that allows them to activate exposure notifications without using the separate COVID-19 app. It is part of a widely used technology, developed by Apple and Google, that can be incorporated into a phone’s operating system.

The service has all the features of the app, using Bluetooth technology and randomly assigned numbers to detect other people in the vicinity and subsequently share anonymously if either party reports a positive COVID-19 test. The new version, like the application itself, does not collect individual information or track locations.

– Tim Nelson | MPR News

Top headlines

Schools are about to reopen, but teachers are not vaccinated: Teachers in some of the state’s largest school districts are voicing concerns about returning to face-to-face education, noting that they have not yet been vaccinated at a time when the COVID-19 virus is still spreading.

According to Minn. It goes through the first round of vaccinations, some providers worry about being left out: Minnesota is approaching the last phase of its initial COVID-19 vaccinations. But providers, like home substance abuse treatment centers and mental health providers, say they still don’t know when and where their staff will receive the vaccine.

Minnesota residents with disabilities wonder when they will receive the COVID-19 vaccine: As a group, people with disabilities often suffer disproportionately from the effects of the pandemic.

COVID-19 in Minnesota

The data in these charts are based on the Minnesota Department of Health cumulative totals released daily at 11 am You can find more detailed statistics on COVID-19 at Department of Health website.

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