Most Americans support restrictions on unvaccinated people

Most Americans support restricting the freedoms of people who have not been given the coronavirus vaccine, according to a Reuters / Ipsos survey released this week.

According to the survey, carried out from March 8 to 9, 2021, among 1,005 respondents, 72 percent consider at least something important to know if the people around them have been vaccinated against COVID-19.
The survey listed a number of scenarios for everyday activities – including traveling by plane, enrolling in school, working out at the gym – and asked respondents to indicate whether they agree that individuals should be vaccinated before engaging in these activities.

Sixty-three percent of all respondents, for example, indicated that they agreed “a little” or “strongly” to require people to have the vaccine before traveling by plane, compared with 32% who generally disagree.

Likewise, the majority of respondents, or 59%, said that people should be vaccinated before enrolling in school. Democrats are much more likely to agree with that sentiment than Republicans, 76% against 44% for the Republican Party.

Fifty-four percent also indicated that they agree to require someone to have a vaccine before exercising at a gym. This includes 30 percent who agree “strongly”. A plurality of Republicans, 49, disagree, compared to 44% who agree and 7% who say they are not sure.

In addition, 56 percent expressed the opinion that people should receive the vaccine to work in an office, as well as attend a concert or go to the theater.

The survey’s margin of error for all respondents is +/- 4%.

President Joe Biden announced during Thursday’s prime-time speech, which marked the one-year anniversary of the Chinese coronavirus pandemic, that all US adults will be eligible for vaccination on May 1.

“This is much earlier than expected,” he said, clarifying that this does not mean that the shots will come immediately.

The White House

“This means that you will be able to get in line as of May 1st. All adults will be eligible to take their chance. And to do that, we’re going to go over a million shots a day, which I promised in December before taking office, to maintain, exceeding our current pace of 2 million shots a day, overtaking the rest of the world. he added.
