Monolith Soft made a short thank you video to celebrate the arrival of Pyra and Mythra in Smash Ultimate

This pair is definitely polarizing

It is hard for me to believe that Monolith Soft is still around, but I am happy that it is.

Starting in 2002 with Xenosaga, the studio looked almost like a feverish dream, but they’ve expanded to several other franchises since then and, most notably, have made a big name with Xenoblade Chronicles.

This game, which had almost no life outside of Japan, flourished in a complete franchise; almost like Xenosaga 2.0. I don’t think they knew how big it would be, hosting a sequel, an expansion, a remastered with new story content, and now, a Smash Ultimate appearance.

They are celebrating that last milestone this week, when the studio released a new “thank you” video featuring Pyra and Mythra, from Xenoblade Chronicles 2 fame. It’s a short clip that makes the duo accept Smash invitations, with Pyra stating “I’m entering Super Smash Bros. today, I hope you support me “, and Mythra exclaiming” I will definitely not lose. “

Does she expect us to support her? Well, as an anime-style character and sword user, she’ll need that hope!

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