Mitch McConnell proposes to postpone Trump impeachment trial | United States News

Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell is proposing to postpone the start of Donald Trump’s impeachment trial for a week or more to give the former president time to review the case.

House Democrats who voted for Trump’s impeachment last week for inciting the January 6 Capitol attack signaled that they want a quick trial as President Joe Biden begins his term, saying that a reckoning is needed before the country – and Congress – can move on.

But McConnell told his fellow Republican senators in a phone call on Thursday that a short delay would give Trump time to prepare and raise his legal team, ensuring due process.

Indiana Sen. Mike Braun said after the call that the trial could not begin “until mid-February”. He said that this is “due to the fact that the process as it took place in the House has evolved very quickly, and does not agree with the time needed to prepare for a defense in a Senate trial”.

The timing will be set by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who can trigger the start of the trial when she sends the House charges of “incitement to insurrection” to the Senate, and also by McConnell and the new Senate majority leader, Chuck Schumer, who are in negotiations on how to establish a 50-50 party division in the Senate and the short-term agenda.

Schumer is in charge of the Senate, taking over as the majority leader after Democrats won two new Senate seats in Georgia and Vice President Kamala Harris took office on Wednesday. But with such a narrow division, Republicans will have something to say about the trial procedure.

Democrats hope to conduct the proceedings while passing legislation that is a priority for Biden, including coronavirus relief, but would also need some cooperation from Senate Republicans to do so.

Schumer told reporters on Thursday that he was still negotiating with McConnell about how to conduct the trial, “but make no mistake. There will be a trial, there will be a vote, up or down or to condemn the president. “

Pelosi can send the article to the Senate as early as Friday. Democrats say the process must move forward quickly because everyone has witnessed the siege, many of them fleeing in search of security as the rebels reached the Capitol.

“It will be soon, I don’t think it will take long, but we should do that,” said Pelosi on Thursday. She said Trump did not deserve a “prison card” for his second historic impeachment just because he stepped down and Biden and others are calling for national unity.

‘The crowd was fed with lies’: McConnell blames Trump for the Capitol attack – video

Without the White House attorney’s office to defend him – as he did at his first trial last year – Trump’s allies have been looking for lawyers to defend the former president’s case. Members of his previous legal teams have indicated that they do not plan to join the effort, but South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham told Republican Party colleagues on Thursday that Trump was hiring South Carolina attorney Butch Bowers, according to a person familiar with the call who was granted anonymity to discuss it. Bowers did not immediately respond to a message on Thursday.

Processing the Chamber’s case will be Pelosi’s nine impeachment managers, who have been meeting regularly to discuss the strategy. Pelosi said he would speak to them “in the next few days” about when the Senate would be ready for a trial, indicating that the decision could extend until next week.

Trump told thousands of supporters to “fight like hell” against the election results that Congress was certifying on January 6, just before an angry mob stormed the Capitol and stopped counting. Five people, including a Capitol police officer, died in chaos, and the House accused the president of leaving a week later, with 10 Republicans joining all Democrats in support.

Pelosi said it would be “harmful to unity” to forget that “people died here on January 6, in an attempt to undermine our election, to undermine our democracy, to dishonor our Constitution”.

After his first impeachment, Trump was acquitted by the Senate in February after his White House legal team, aided by his personal lawyers, aggressively fought the House’s charges that he had encouraged the President of Ukraine to investigate Biden in exchange for help. military. This time, Pelosi noted, the Chamber was not trying to condemn the president through private talks, but by a very public insurrection that they themselves experienced and which was broadcast live on television.

“This year, the whole world has witnessed the incitement of the president,” said Pelosi.

Dick Durbin of Illinois, the second Senate Democrat, said it was too early to know how long a trial would take or whether Democrats would like to call witnesses. But he said, “You don’t have to tell us what was going on with the crowd scene – we were running down the stairs to escape.”

McConnell, who said this week that Trump had “provoked” his supporters before the riot, did not say how he would vote. He told his Republican colleagues that it would be a vote of conscience.
