Middle arrives on Xbox Game Pass for PC this month

Microsoft unveiled the next game load that will arrive on the Xbox Game Pass for PC this month, and I think you Yakuza fans will be very satisfied. The Yakuza Remastered collection (containing Yakuzas 3, 4 and 5) will arrive on the subscription service on January 28, along with the new horror from Bloober Team, The Medium. In addition, Donut County and RPS fave Desperados 3 are also on the way. Lovely things.

Sega already announced in December that a Yakuza game truck would arrive on the PC this month, but still, it is good to have the reminder. They said they are very good games, indeed. Ed, in particular, is a huge fan of the Yakuza 5 storyline, where you play as a cute high school J-Pop idol.

The next big’un is The Medium, a new supernatural horror game from the developers of Observer, Bloober. It happens in an abandoned hotel in Poland and it looks like a good suitable spookfest. The developers said earlier that it was the “most ambitious game ever”, and it is certainly one that I am looking forward to – especially considering how good the Observer was.

In case you missed it, on Sunday Microsoft also announced that Remedy’s Control will be coming to Game Pass this week as well. Brendy’s Control analysis says the game “feels good in bites”, whatever that means.

However, these are just a few of the main attractions of the Game Pass this month. Here is the complete list of arrivals in late January:

  • January 21 – Control, Desperados 3 and Donut County
  • January 26 – Cyber ​​Shadow
  • January 28 – The Medium, Yakuza 3 Remastered, Yakuza 4 Remastered and Yakuza 5 Remastered

Some good’uns are saying goodbye to the Game Pass on January 29, however. You have only 10 days left to try this batch:

  • Death Gambit
  • Final Fantasy XV
  • Fishing Sim World: Pro Tour
  • Gris
  • Indivisible
  • Reigns: Game of Thrones
  • Sea salt

I highly recommend jumping on Gris while you still have the chance. It is a beautiful platform game where each screen takes you to travel through a lovely watercolor world. Alice Bee thought it was a little empty in her Gris review, but it really is a delight to look at, and it will only occupy a few hours of your day.

You can still buy an Xbox Game Pass subwoofer for just £ 1 / $ 1 in the first month, if you wish, with the price rising to £ 8 / $ 10 a month later.

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