Meghan Markle defeats tabloid in privacy lawsuit over dad’s letter

Meghan Markle won her lawsuit against the publisher of The Mail on Sunday and MailOnline after publishing parts of a letter she sent to her distant father, shortly after her marriage to Prince Harry. The High Court in London ruled that the Duchess of Sussex’s allegations of invasion of privacy and copyright infringement were legitimate.

Markle is distant from her father and she and her husband have complained about the harsh treatment that the tabloids treat Markle. “After two long years in litigation, I am grateful to the courts for keeping the associated newspapers and The Mail on Sunday to answer for their illegal and dehumanizing practices, ”said Markle in a statement released after the court’s decision. “For these establishments, it is a game. For me and so many others, it is real life, real relationships and a very real sadness. The damage they have done and continue to do is profound. ”“ For today, with this comprehensive victory in privacy and copyright, we have all won, ”she added.

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