McCarthy says he told Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene that he disagreed with his impeachment articles against Biden

House minority leader Kevin McCarthyKevin McCarthyMcCarthy supports Cheney’s continued leadership amid calls for her to resign from The Hill’s 12:30 Report: Biden starts running in the possession of COVID Biden marked by conflict of hope and fear MORE (R-Calif.) He said he spoke with Rep. Marjorie Greene (R-Ga.) About his efforts to move impeachment articles against newly installed President Biden.

In an interview with Greta Van Susteren, McCarthy said he disagreed with the first-term legislator’s efforts to oust Biden, but that she has the right to seek impeachment.

“I called her. I disagree with that. That’s exactly what Democrats did with President TrumpDonald Trump leader Ian swears ‘revenge’ by posting an image similar to former Trump Sanders spokesman: Biden ‘moving away’ from ‘populist offers’ Justice Department to investigate the US attorney’s sudden departure in Atlanta after Trump’s criticisms MORE, and why we disagree when they wanted to go after him for purely political reasons, ”said McCarthy. “I think Republicans are better than that. That this is one of the arguments we use against Democrats, and I don’t think we should use it, either. “

“She has the right, as an elected member of Congress, to introduce them,” he added, “I just don’t think the time and the case are right at this moment, at this moment.”

Greene’s office did not immediately respond to a request for comment from The Hill.

Georgia’s lawmaker said on Thursday – the first full day of the Biden government – that she had filed for impeachment.

The text of the articles was not immediately available, but she hinted that they accused Biden of abusing his power while serving as vice president, allowing his son, Hunter Biden, to serve on the board of a Ukrainian energy company.

“President Joe BidenJoe BidenRev. Barber says the best way to undermine extremism is with honesty. Biden requires international travelers to be quarantined when arriving in the United States. Night defense: House approves exemption for Biden’s Pentagon candidate | Biden to seek extension of five-year arms control pact with Russia | Two more American soldiers killed by COVID-19 MORE is unable to exercise the presidency. His pattern of abuse of power as Vice President of President Obama is long and unsettling. President Biden has demonstrated that he will do whatever it takes to save his son, Hunter, and fill his family’s pockets with money from corrupt foreign energy companies, “Greene said in a statement.

Biden denied that his son’s position influenced his policy making during the Obama administration, and an investigation into the matter by Senate Republicans found no offense by any Biden.

Greene’s announcement on Thursday came after the House voted last week for the impeachment of then President Trump, making him the first president in history to be impeached on two different occasions.

The intervention of the main House Republican comes at a time when lawmakers on both sides of the aisle seek to lower the political temperature after the January 6 violent riot on Capitol Hill, which resulted in the death of several people.

Greene has caused a stir on Capitol Hill since taking office earlier this month. Her candidacy drew national attention after it was revealed that she made comments in support of the strange QAnon conspiracy theory, and she used her time in Washington to criticize the masks and promote disputed allegations that the presidential election was marked by widespread fraud.
