Marvel fans probably don’t know the moving story of Wanda and Vision

Photo credit: Disney +, Marvel Studios
Photo credit: Disney +, Marvel Studios

Good Housekeeping

Earlier this month, Disney + launched its miniseries WandaVision, exciting fans of the Marvel cinematic universe everywhere. The series revolves around the life of Wanda Maximoff (Elizabeth olsen) and Vision (Paul Bettany) after the epic events of Avengers: Endgame, a movie in phase three of Marvel’s Infinity Saga franchise.

Although the program is quite easy to understand, even if you haven’t seen all Avengers movie, the episodes are likely to make a lot more sense when you understand the backstory of the main characters, Wanda and Vision. To help you, we’ve gathered basic information to read before watching more WandaVision.

First, who is Scarlet Witch and Vision?

Let’s start at the beginning with Wanda, who will later be known as Scarlet Witch. Based on what we know from the MCU films (note: comics portray Wanda differently), Wanda’s story originated in the fictional country of Sokovia. There, Wanda grew up with her twin brother, Pietro (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) Tragically, the twins were orphaned in their pre-teens when an explosive suddenly hit their building and killed their parents. After discovering that the shell was named “Stark Industries”, the two developed a deep hatred for Tony Stark (Robert Downy Jr.), also known as Iron Man.

Later, the pair of brothers became the object of testing for the organization of the evil HYDRA. During an experiment, Wanda and Pietro acquired superhero powers. From then on, Wanda had telepathic powers and all kinds of mysterious powers of manipulation, while his brother acquired the ability to move at supersonic speeds. By, they became known as Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver.

Photo credit: Marvel Studios
Photo credit: Marvel Studios

Meanwhile, Tony creates Ultron, a highly intelligent robot, as a defense against HYDRA. But his plan goes terribly wrong when the android tries to kill the Avengers. Motivated by their hatred for Tony, Wanda and Pietro join forces with Ultron, a plot that viewers see in Avengers: Age of Ultron. Later, however, Wanda and Pietro change their alliance and become Avengers after Wanda discovers Ultron’s true intentions to exterminate humanity.

Meanwhile, Tony forges another powerful android, Vision, to destroy Ultron. Through an epic battle in Sokovia, the Avengers complete their mission, although the group loses Pietro due to gunshot wounds in the fight.

So, when did Wanda and Vision fall in love?

While Wanda and Vision are presented in Ultron, your relationship is rooted in Captain America Civil War. After Wanda accidentally kills civilians while rescuing Captain America (Chris Evans), she was placed under house arrest and Visão has the task of ensuring that she remains where she is. While there, the two flirt with each other and unite because of their status as strangers. Although they end up fighting each other – Wanda with Captain America and Vision with Iron Man – Vision is concerned about hurting Wanda. At the end of the battle, the two are reconciled and approach.

Photo credit: Disney +
Photo credit: Disney +

The two are also linked by the Mental Stone, one of the six almighty stones of infinity that later became a major turning point when supervillain Thanos (Josh Brolin) tries to get his hands on all of them. This gives you the power to snap your fingers and destroy half the population of the universe.

Unfortunately, Wanda and Vision’s love story doesn’t have a happy ending. Since the Mindstone is in Vision’s head, Thanos will not stop until he has the stone. Realizing the danger if Thanos fulfills his objective, Vision tells Wanda to take the stone out of his head and kill him. Unfortunately, their plan goes awry when Thanos is able to go back in time and kill Vision himself.

Even if the Avengers are able to undo the crack that killed half the population in Avengers: Endgame, Vision was killed and the superheroes can’t bring him back. This leaves Wanda, totally distraught again, without a family and without the love of her life. And all of this finally leads us to WandaVision …

Photo credit: Disney +
Photo credit: Disney +

Which is WandaVision on?

Although Wanda and Vision look happy as always in the first episodes of the Disney + series, what viewers are probably seeing, according to and, is an alternate reality created by a grieving Wanda. Alternatively, an outside force could be controlling Wanda, perhaps to keep its powers under control.

As the episodes progress, viewers receive hints that Wanda and Vision are not really living together happily. We see this in the Stark toaster commercial that includes the slogan “forget the past, this is your future!” in the first episode. We also see Wanda and Vision struggling when Vision’s boss and his wife ask them about their life together. All of these cases are probably indications of a more moving upheaval to come – perhaps one in which Wanda learns to accept that the vision is no longer part of her life.

Super sad, right? In short, things really are not what they appear to be WandaVision. Perhaps now, however, some elements of the series will begin to make more sense, especially with the progress of the first season.

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