Marjorie Taylor Greene boasts of Trump’s phone call and ‘support’

  • Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene boasted that former President Donald Trump called her “his support”.
  • Greene spread unmasked conspiracy theories about everything from 9/11 to school shootings.
  • A Democratic-led effort is underway to get Greene expelled from the House of Representatives.
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Republican Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, who has been involved in several controversies before and after her arrival in Washington, bragged on Saturday about having received a call from former President Donald Trump and indicated that she had “his support”.

Greene, who over the years has spread unmasked conspiracy theories about everything from the 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut and the 2018 shooting in Parkland at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, to attacks by September 11, 2017 Filming at the Las Vegas music festival drew bipartisan contempt for his comments and profile on social media.

“I had a GREAT connection to my favorite POTUS of all time, President Trump!” she tweeted. “I am very grateful for his support and, most importantly, the people of this country are absolutely 100% loyal to him because he is 100% loyal to the people and America First.”

In a fog full of rant, she added: “You can never beat it because we, the people, support you. The bloodthirsty media and socialists hate the American Democrats are attacking me now, as they always attack President Trump . I will not retreat. I will never apologize. And I will always continue fighting for the people. For me, it is America First !!! Any elected politician who is not putting America First does not deserve his position or the people’s trust. “

Despite Greene’s proclamations of Trump’s support, she is receiving profoundly unfavorable criticism from many of her colleagues.

A 2018 video that was widely released this week showed Greene harassing David Hogg, then a 17-year-old survivor of the Parkland school shooting, as he walked through the Capitol, which drew a lot of criticism.

While Hogg ignored Greene’s specific questions, she continued to shout questions at him.

“Why are you using children as a barrier?” She asked. “You don’t know how to defend yourself? Look, I’m an American citizen, I own a gun. I have a hidden license, I carry a gun to protect myself, and you’re using your lobby and the money behind it and children to try to take away my Second Amendment rights. “

In the past, Greene has supported Facebook posts that advocated violence against Democratic lawmakers, including California Mayor Nancy Pelosi.

Read More: Trump tested the Constitution and fragmented traditions. Biden and the Democrats have their own big plans for what to do next.

While Republican Party Republican minority leader Kevin McCarthy of California said he “plans to have a conversation” with Greene about his posts, she was still assigned to the House Education and Work Committee by Republican Party leaders, a decision that Pelosi called “absolutely terrifying.”

On January 29, Democratic Congresswoman Cori Bush, from Missouri, announced that she was relocating her Capitol offices to escape Greene’s office after a recent confrontation in which Bush says she was “scolded” by Greene and her team in a hallway .

Several Democrats have called for Greene’s expulsion from the House, including Representative Jimmy Gomez of California, who said he would present a resolution to remove her from the legislature for her behavior.

“This defense of extremism and sedition not only demands your immediate expulsion from Congress, but it also deserves a strong and clear condemnation from all your Republican colleagues,” he said in a statement. “Your presence in office poses a direct threat against elected officials and officials who serve our government.”

GOP Senator Mitt Romney of Utah, who has long been a critic of Trump’s influence in the party and his failed attempt to overthrow President Joe Biden’s electoral victory, poked Greene and the former president on Saturday.

“Same lies get mixed up: Marjorie Taylor Greene’s nonsense and the ‘big lie’ of a stolen election,” he tweeted.

Romney, who was the party’s presidential candidate in 2012, lamented in an interview in December 2020 that the Republican Party had “deviated” from its emphasis on character and said it had not seen the party “returning to it for a long time” .
