Marilyn Manson removed from American Gods after allegations of abuse

Manson made his most recent, and now final, appearance on the American Gods last night.

Manson made his most recent, and now final, appearance on American gods last night.
Print Screen: Starz

Yesterday WestworldEvan Rachel Wood publicly alleged that singer Marilyn Manson (aka Brian Warner) abused her in a previous relationship. As more women perform, Starz and AMC announced the immediate end of their relationship with Manson with respect to the TV series American gods and Freak show.

Manson has already been discarded by the label Loma Vista Records in the wake of Wood’s Instagram Post Monday, claiming that Manson “terribly abused” her during their relationship and that she was “brainwashed and manipulated to submit.” Today, the Hollywood Reporter also confirmed that the Creative Artists Agency has also abandoned Manson. After Wood’s posting, at least four other women came move forward with additional allegations of abuse.

“My attacker’s name is Brian Warner, also known worldwide as Marilyn Manson. He started taking care of me when I was a teenager and terribly abused me for years. I was brainwashed and manipulated to submit, ”wrote Wood. “I got tired of living in fear of retaliation, slander or blackmail. I am here to expose this dangerous man and summon the many industries that have enabled him, before he destroys more lives. I have many victims who will not remain silent. “

Manson (38 at the time) and Wood (19 at the time) have been publicly revealed to be in a relationship in 2007 and got involved in 2010, but split up the same year. While Wood only now explicitly recognized Manson as his alleged abuser, she had already discussed his story as an abuse survivor, even in front of a 2018 US House Judiciary Subcommittee, as part of a legislative effort to enact a Declaration of rights of survivors of sexual assault all over the country.

“My experience with domestic violence is as follows: toxic physical, mental and sexual abuse, which started slowly but increased over time, including threats to my life, severe gas lights and brainwashing, waking up to the man who claimed to love me raping what he is believed to be my unconscious body, ”Wood said in his statement two years ago. She also spoke to the California Senate Public Security Committee in 2019 and, although she did not mention the alleged perpetrator in any of the depositions, the context provided in line with your relationship with Manson. You can watch some of the second testimony below, but in part, she said, “He broke me through hunger, sleep deprivation and threats against my life, sometimes with deadly weapons, which would result in me having severe attacks of panic, where I couldn’t breathe or stop shaking. ”

Now that Manson has been nominated by Wood, Starz and AMC have also announced their intention to remove the actor-singer from the third and second seasons of American gods and Freak show, respectively. Manson replied to the actress’s claims that “my art and my life have long been controversial magnets, but these recent claims about me are horrible distortions of reality.”

Deadline reports that Starz will remove Manson’s only remaining appearance in American gods‘third season like Johan Wengren, the lead singer of a Viking death metal band called Blood Death – who actually appeared in the fourth episode of the season already scheduled last night, “The Unseen”.

“Due to the allegations made against Marilyn Manson, we decided to remove her performance from the remaining episode he’s in, scheduled to air later this season, ”the network said in a statement provided to Deadline and then shared on social media. “Starz is unmistakably with all victims and survivors of abuse.”

AMC will also remove Manson’s upcoming appearances in the second season of Freak show. Deadline informs that the episode will be pulled, and the Man segmentchild has been configured to appear in will be replaced. Neither AMC nor Shudder publicly commented on the allegations, however – when contacted by io9, an AMC spokesman confirmed that a segment featuring Manson scheduled to appear next season would be removed, and that it would not be aired.

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