Marilyn Manson denies allegations of abuse by Evan Rachel Wood

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LOS ANGELES (AP) – Rocker Marilyn Manson was released from his label on Monday after actor Evan Rachel Wood accused her ex-fiance of sexual abuse and other physical abuse, claiming she was “manipulated to submit” during their relationship.

Manson called the allegations “horrible distortions of reality”.

Wood, who stars in HBO’s “Westworld”, has spoken frequently in recent years about being abused in a relationship, but did not name the person until he posted on Monday on Instagram.

“My attacker’s name is Brian Warner, also known worldwide as Marilyn Manson,” said Wood. “He started to prepare me when I was a teenager and he abused me terribly for years.”

Manson’s record label, Loma Vista Recordings, said in a statement that after the “disturbing allegations”, “it will stop promoting its current album” and “also decided not to work with Marilyn Manson on any future projects”.

Wood and Manson’s relationship went public in 2007 when he was 38 and she was 19, and they had a brief engagement in 2010 before breaking up.

Wood, now 33, said in his post that Manson left her “brainwashed and manipulated until submission”.

“I got tired of living in fear of retaliation, slander or blackmail. I’m here to expose this dangerous man and summon the many industries that have trained him, before he ruins more lives, ”added the post.

She concluded: “I have many victims who will not remain silent”.

Manson responded with his own Instagram post on Monday night.

“Obviously, my art and my life have always been magnets for controversy, but these recent statements about me are horrible distortions of reality,” said his post. “My intimate relationships have always been entirely consensual with like-minded partners. Regardless of how – and why – others are now choosing to misrepresent the past, that is the truth. ”

It was not immediately clear whether Wood went to the authorities with any of his allegations, and a representative did not immediately respond when asked by email if she had done so.

In 2018, Los Angeles County prosecutors refused to open charges against Manson on charges of assault, assault and sexual assault that occurred in 2011, saying they were limited by limitations and lack of corroboration. The accuser in that case was identified only as a social acquaintance of Manson.

He denied the charges through his lawyer at the time.

In 2017, Wood was one of thousands of women who identified themselves as victims of sexual harassment or assault in the midst of the #MeToo movement.

“Being raped once made it easier to be raped again. I hung up instinctively. My body remembered, so it protected me. I disappeared. #metoo ”, Wood wrote at the time, as part of a series of tweets about his experience.

In 2018, she testified about her abuse to a House Judiciary subcommittee, while seeking approval for a Declaration of the Rights of Sexual Violence Survivors in all 50 states.

“My experience with domestic violence was this: Toxic mental, physical and sexual abuse that started slowly, but increased over time,” she told the committee.

Wood started acting like a child, gaining fame and a Golden Globe nomination for playing a troubled teenager in “Thirteen” in 2003.

For three seasons, she played Dolores Abernathy, a sentient android, on HBO’s “Westworld” program and was nominated for a Golden Globe and Emmy for the role.

Manson, 52, became a household name in the mid-1990s with a series of successful rock albums and used a stage personality created to shock and generate controversy.

The Associated Press does not normally cite people who say they have been victims of sexual assault, but is quoting Wood because of his decision to speak publicly.
