Manchin says he will vote against Biden OMB nominee Neera Tanden

In a brief statement, the Democratic moderate from West Virginia said Tanden’s Twitter comments about Republican colleagues, including Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell, and Senator Bernie Sanders, an independent, led him to doubt that she was The right person.

“I have carefully reviewed the public statements and tweets by Neera Tanden that have been personally addressed to my colleagues on both sides of the corridor, from Senator Sanders to Senator McConnell and others. I believe that his openly partisan statements will have a detrimental and detrimental impact on the important work relationship between members of Congress and the next director of the Office of Management and Budget, “said Manchin in a statement. “For this reason, I cannot support your appointment.”

Manchin’s announcement means that unless a Republican senator appears to support Tanden’s nomination, it is unlikely to be confirmed for the job. Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer has a narrow majority in a 50-50 Senate. Because Democrats control the White House, Vice President Kamala Harris may break ties, but without Manchin’s support, Democrats will not have votes on their own.

“As I said before, we must take significant steps to end the political divide and dysfunction that permeates our policy. In a time of serious crisis, it is more important than ever that we outline a new bipartisan course that helps to solve the many serious problems challenges that our nation faces, “said Manchin.

This story has been updated.
