Man with head turned down puts life on hold after catching COVID

A 44-year-old Brazilian who did not expect to live 24 hours after being born with his head down has now had to put his life on hold after catching COVID-19, according to a report.

Claudio Vieira de Oliveira, from Monte Santo, suffers from congenital multiple arthrogriposis, a rare disease that left his head turned back, reported the US Sun.

It also left him with muscular atrophy in his legs and arms stuck to his chest, but it did not stop him from living a full life and becoming a motivational speaker.

“I never had (difficulties), my life is normal,” he told local news G1.

But the ambitious, fun-loving man contracted the virus and had to stay home.

Claudio Vieira de Oliveira
Claudio Vieira de Oliveira never let his condition prevent him.
@ claudio.vieiradeoliveira / Newsflash

“I am in total quarantine because this COVID is very aggressive, it is lethal, so we are afraid. Spare me, God, this damn disease ”, Oliveira said to the outlet.

“I am being twice as careful, I have been isolating myself for over a year and I only leave the house to solve things that only I can do, such as banks,” he added.

Claudinho, as he is known, never let his state stop him and has been on his knees since he was 7 years old. He learned to read and write at home with his mother.

And despite his acute deformity, he has no problem seeing, breathing, eating or drinking.

Claudinho has also released a DVD, an autobiography and has been giving motivational speeches since 2000 – so being confined has been a challenge.

“I am sorely missed. I have a lecture in the municipality of Bezerra, in the state of Pernamubco, scheduled for April 28th. If the pandemic passes, we will go ahead, ”he said.

Claudinho, who is a volunteer in the Christian education project Alegra-te for vulnerable children, told the local media: “I want to do my lectures again and live for many years”.
