Lamborghini Urus SUV gift-wrapped at LA Christmas peak

The Urus is owned by rally driver and car collector Harrison Woodruff, who wanted to bring some joy to the roads with Christmas approaching. Then he equipped the car with wrapping paper, Christmas lights, a decorative wreath on the front grille, and a fully lit Christmas tree on the ceiling support.

I understand – this is not the kind of upgrade you’d like someone to do on a 641-horsepower supercharged SUV. Honestly, it looks like one of those cubic office games in which someone wraps up all your belongings before the short Christmas holiday and you have to give that fake laugh while you miss an entire morning of productivity.

Make sure it is only temporary and that better things will come soon, once this little gift opens on Christmas morning. Woodruff says the SUV will undergo a complete overhaul to start 2021 with the work of 1016 Industries, including new exterior elements, custom carbon fiber pieces, an exhaust and more.
