Kristin Cavallari and Jay Cutler sparking reconciliation rumors

Kristin Cavallari and Jay Cutler had fans on a busy Friday, when the two ex-boyfriends posted the same photo next to the same caption at the same time.

Cavallari, 34, and Cutler, 37, caption a photo of you: “The world is full of users. 10 years. I can’t break this. “

Seeing the photo on both pages, both enthusiastic and confused fans, with many begging the couple to try again. Co-parents share sons Camden Jack, 8, Jaxon Wyatt, 6, and daughter Saylor James, 5

“PLS, COME BACK TOGETHER, GOING TO MAKE MY YEAR” wrote a fan in Cavallari’s comments section, with another adding: “Girl, as long as you’re happy, no explanation is necessary. This is your life and he is your man! ❤️❤️ I love to see it !! ”

Others believe it is a message to Madison LeCroy of “Southern Charm”, who allegedly took to Instagram live the night before to mock a dance video made by Cavallari and LeCroy’s ex, Austen Kroll. She was also accused of insinuating that Cavallari is an inattentive mother.

“Thanks for shutting up Madison! She is very thirsty! ”, Wrote a commentator, with another fan adding:“ Catching this is a big blow to Madison LeCroy’s concert last night. Where she criticized Kristin’s parents and said that Jay was relieved not to be with her etc … ”

Despite speculation, several reports indicate that the two are “single”, with the intention of building a healthy relationship as co-parents.

“They are friends and singles. They will always have each other’s backs, no matter what, ”the source told People.
