Kill the spire is being turned into a board game

Illustration for the article entitled iSlay The Spire / i Is being transformed into a board game

Image: Mega Crit Games

The incredibly deep roguel-like deck building RPG Kill the Pinnacle will receive table treatment, board game makers Contention Games recently announced, allowing people to explore the game’s creative card battles together in real life.

According to the Contention website, the Kill the Pinnacle The board game will allow up to four players, with the rounds taking about 45 minutes each (slightly less than winning an entire race on the existing video game).

There is not much other information about the table version yet, but based on the description, it appears that the basic premise of fighting in a series of dungeons using cards to attack and cast spells will remain intact.

Containment, which also made the 4X card-based strategy game Imperium: containment, is conducting an official Kickstarter for the Kill the Pinnacle board game sometime this spring. (Empire was also financed in this way, with sets having just been sent to supporters.)

Many video games have recently received table adaptations. Last September, CMON announced that it would make an official board game based on the cinematic sniper The last of us. Kill the Pinnacle, being a video game that practically already works as a table, should be a more direct adaptation.
