Jersey Shore snooki tests positive for COVID-19

Do you know Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi’s Jersey Shore.

James Atoa / courtesy Everett Collection

On Valentine’s Day, Polizzi revealed that she recently tested positive for COVID-19.

Polizzi said his symptoms began as “just a severe cold in the sinuses”: “Headache, stuffy nose and mild cough”. After feeling “super tired” and “dozing all day”, she took a COVID-19 test.

“Today I just feel groggy,” she wrote. “I ended up losing my taste and smell last night. It’s very strange.”

“I ate a fatty cheese pizza and I couldn’t taste anything. WHAT A SIN.”

Polizzi said that the rest of her family was negative, but that she was “hidden in my room” during the quarantine …

Which didn’t stop his family from leaving flowers and chocolates outside his door as a Valentine’s Day treat.

According to People, Polizzi elaborated on his condition in his Instagram story, saying “I feel like I ran a marathon” and the worst thing about having COVID-19 is “not being able to prove it”.

“I appreciate all your concerns, but I’m fine!”, He added. “Please be safe, everyone! 💋💋”

There are safety precautions you can take in your daily life to avoid receiving or administering COVID-19: Wear a mask, practice social detachment and get tested when necessary. Visit the CDC website for information on how to do a COVID-19 test in your state.

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