Jennifer Aniston sharing a pandemic ornament caused negative reaction

That was the debate on social media after the “The Morning Show” star shared a photo over the weekend in her Instagram stories of a Christmas ornament that recognized the Covid times we live in.

The engraved ornament said “Our first pandemic in 2020.”

Aniston did not include a caption or even identify whether the ornament was hers, but people on social media assumed it was and this resulted in some people accusing the actress of being morbid and offensive to the many people who lost loved ones to Covid- 19

Still others defended her and said she was just acknowledging what happened, while some pointed out that she has been a strong supporter of wearing a mask, as well as encouraging her millions of followers to buy from small businesses to help them stay in business. afloat.

Aniston did not respond publicly to the reaction on Monday and CNN contacted its representative for comment.
