Jennifer Aniston faces reaction against ‘our first pandemic’ ornament

  • Jennifer Aniston shared a story on Instagram on Friday showing a Christmas ornament recorded in a script font with the message: “Our first pandemic of 2020.”
  • The “Friends” star did not specify whether the ornament was hers or not, but her fans and social media followers seem to be assuming it is.
  • Twitter users are calling Aniston for the ornament, with some calling her message insensitive in light of people who have lost loved ones to the coronavirus pandemic.
  • Others defended Aniston, saying the ornament was probably meant to be sarcastic.
  • Visit the Insider home page for more stories.

Jennifer Aniston generated mixed reactions after sharing an Instagram story on Friday showing a Christmas ornament engraved with the message “Our first pandemic in 2020.”

The “Friends” actress didn’t include any captions in her Instagram story specifying whether the decor was hers or not, but her followers on social media seem to be assuming it’s hers.

ornament controversy jennifer aniston

A screenshot of Aniston’s Instagram story post of Friday, December 25; Aniston at the Screen Actors Guild Awards in January 2020.

@ jenniferaniston / Instagram; Kevork Djansezian / Getty Images for Turner

People seem to be divided over the ‘Our first pandemic’ ornament that Aniston shared in his story

Aniston’s image of the ornament generated mixed reactions. Some Twitter users called the actress for appearing to share a message that appears to ignore the countless losses and unprecedented challenges caused by the new coronavirus pandemic.

Some seemed to connect Aniston’s Instagram story post about the Christmas ornament with other times that celebrities made coronavirus-related social media mistakes.

“All the celebrities did during this pandemic is to show how they are out of touch and simply forgotten about everything that has nothing to do with them. Some people’s entire family has died, but at least Aniston is showing how peculiar she can be,” he wrote a user in response to a @PopCrave tweet of Aniston’s story on Instagram.

Other social media users defended Aniston and her post, pointing out that she shared posts on Instagram previously expressing empathy for the victims of COVID-19 and encouraged people to wear face masks and follow public health guidelines.

A post shared by Jennifer Aniston (@jenniferaniston)

Twitter users who defend Aniston guessed that the decor was meant to be a joke or suggested that the star had no bad intentions.

Some people have pointed out that Aniston is not the only one who appears to have a decor with a similar feeling.

“Jennifer Aniston is not even the first person I see with an ornament like that this year … one of my friends made one that said ‘the baby’s first pandemic’,” wrote a Twitter user on Saturday.

As of press time, Aniston has not responded publicly to criticism.
