Jed Hoyer: the puppies did not participate in trade negotiations

About a week ago, it was reported that the New York Mets and the Chicago Cubs conversations resumed about third baseman Kris Bryant.

However, speaking to reporters this afternoon, Chicago Cubs baseball operations president Jed Hoyer ended those rumors. According to Jordan Bastian’s, Hoyer said that the Cubs are not involved in any commercial negotiations and for some time.

When asked specifically about Bryant’s rumors for the Mets, Hoyer said: “We have been involved in a lot of rumors this year, some were completely inaccurate, others just exaggerated.”

“Certainly the teams called us and we had discussions. But when it comes to active discussions, things are calm now. And as I said, some time ago, ”he added.

If the Mets are in fact looking for an upgrade on the hot corner through the trade market, it looks like you can cross Bryant off the list of potential candidates.
