Jayson Tatum discusses Celtics fights, adjusting to the abnormal season and his recovery from COVID-19

Many players have their own shoes, but how many players can say they have their own chip? Boston Celtics striker Jayson Tatum is one of the few. Tatum recently got a deal with Ruffles and as part of the deal, Tatum got his own flavor – Flamin ‘Hot BBQ. This new flavor must be reminiscent of Tatum’s childhood in St. Louis, a city that embraces bold and spicy food. In addition to launching his own chip, Tatum is also in the middle of another All-Star campaign, and he has averaged points (25.6) and assists (4.5) per game for the Celtics this season.

To celebrate the launch, Tatum talked to CBS Sports about his chip, his recovery from COVID-19, playing basketball in empty arenas and what the Celtics need to do to turn the season, among other things. Check out the full interview below.

CBS Sports: I want to start by asking about your new partnership with Ruffles. How did this happen and why did you think the partnership with Ruffles was a good option for you personally?

Jayson Tatum: Many different reasons. Obviously, I love fries. I like to do things that are organic for me. I’ve eaten Ruffles since I was a kid. I remember last year when they partnered with [Los Angeles Lakers forward] Anthony Davis, and I thought it was really, really cool. And for me, I love doing things that [are organic]. I grew up going into stores, buying Ruffles chips. And now I have the opportunity to be part of creating my own chip and see my face in something I grew up eating. It is a surreal feeling because it is very genuine and organic for me. So when the opportunity came, it was a no-brainer for me.

CBS: How much contribution you made to the flavor [Flamin’ Hot BBQ]? The press release said it should be a reminder of his childhood in St. Louis and the flavors of that community.

Tatum: I love spicy food. Anything to make something spicy, or give it an extra boost, I am totally in favor. Growing up in St. Louis, we are known for barbecue. I love barbecue and I love to highlight things about my childhood and where I came from. So, putting this combination together, [you get] Flamin ‘Hot BBQ. I found it very easy for us to find that out.

CBS: I want to go to court for a few minutes. How difficult was it to go from the bubble in Orlando for a short off-season and get back into action this season, especially since the Celtics were one of the last four teams in the bubble?

Tatum: It has definitely been a challenge. Two consecutive seasons were unique. With everything that’s going on in the world, and then, kind of jumping back like we did, without getting too much rest, it’s difficult. Obviously, you love the game, you love doing what you do. Obviously, you wanted to go back there and play, but [also] just understanding and knowing that you need rest. We would like to have more time to rest, but we are not the only team that was in a bubble. We’re all dealing with it like a league, but it’s definitely a challenge, and we’re still trying to figure it out.

CBS: Speaking of which, how strange has it been to follow the normal travel schedule of the season, but not having fans, or having few fans, in the arenas? What kind of impact, if any, did it have on your team?

Tatum: Nothing this season was normal. Especially dealing with games being postponed due to contact tracking, guys with a positive test [for COVID-19]. I tested positive. So, there were many adjustments during the process. Things come up that you can’t really prepare for, and you just have to find out, whether it’s during a trip or sometimes the tests don’t come back in time and you have to cancel the workout. So, I think that since the beginning of the season, we have become more used to it. But you know, [it’s] still very, very different.

CBS: You mentioned that you tested positive for COVID-19 earlier in the season. I know that a few weeks ago you said you were still dealing with some of the lingering effects in terms of your breathing when you were on the court. How has the overall recovery process been for you and how are you currently feeling?

Tatum: When I found out, probably like most people, I was nervous. I didn’t know what to expect. Fortunately, for most of my quarantine, I had no symptoms, it was fine. But coming back and playing I realized that I was having trouble breathing, that I was getting tired much faster than normal. I talked to a lot of athletes from different sports who were positive and they said they dealt with the same thing. It got better, but I think it only takes some time because this is just something new.

CBS: Earlier this week, you were named an All-Star for the second consecutive season. What does it mean for you to be one of the 24 players in the league that has earned All-Star status?

Tatum: I am very, very grateful. It is not something you take for granted. As you said, there are only 24 players who make it, and that can change from year to year. So it’s a great honor. I appreciate it. The All-Star is going to look a little different this year with everything that is going on, but just for being named an All-Star again and being part of the team, I am grateful for that and I am excited.

CBS: Obviously, fans play a big role in choosing All-Star Game holders, but league coaches choose reserves. In a way, is it more meaningful to be selected by the coaches than by the fans, since they are the ones who really know the game and see all the players in the league every night?

Tatum: I think it is both. But as you said, earning the respect of your colleagues, people who have to train against you, and knowing that you have earned their respect [is meaningful]. Obviously, they watch the game and prepare for the game differently than most fans. So I think it’s a big deal, just knowing that the coaches have a good regard for me.

CBS: Thanks for talking today, Jayson. Let’s get you out of here. Obviously, the Celtics did not have the best start to the season. What do you think that individually, and as a team, the Celtics need to do in the second half of the season to correct the problem and put themselves in a solid position for a push in the playoffs?

Tatum: We need to stay healthy. We’ve been dealing with injuries and things like that. The simple answer is that we just need to improve. We know what we are capable of and we just have to find out. From top to bottom, each guy needs to be better.
