Jason Sudeikis’ heart has been “broken” since Olivia Wilde started dating Harry Styles

  • Jason Sudeikis’ heart has been “broken” since former Olivia Wilde started dating Harry Styles.
  • Jason and Olivia split in 2020, after nine years together.

    Remember when we thought 2020 was the most bizarre year? And then 2021 was like, “wait for my beer?” Yes, well, when it comes to relationship drama … the separation of Jason Sudeikis and Olivia Wilde is unfolding messy. It all started when the separation of Jason and Olivia became public knowledge in November 2020. After nine years together, they decided to go their separate ways. So much for #couplegoals … * sigh *. And if that wasn’t shocking enough, in January, the media started reporting that Olivia is dating Harry Styles. It seems sooooo weird to type that, by the way. Anyway, it looks like Jason was devastated to hear the news.

    “Olivia’s romance with Harry has been going on for a while and it broke Jason’s heart,” said a source AND! News. “She was definitely trying to keep the romance with Harry a secret and was very careful.”

    olivia wilde harry styles

    Getty Images

    Harry and Olivia have apparently been dating for a few weeks, according to People, AND! News, Page Six, and TMZ. They are working together on Olivia’s film Do not worry, dear, but according to Page Six, the relationship may have led to her separation from Jason (emphasis on power). A source claims that Jason and Olivia split in November 2020 and Olivia’s relationship with Harry led to the breakup.

    “Olivia and Jason were having problems, like any other couple, but Jason loves Olivia – he adores her completely, and that’s what makes it so sad. He’s always committed to making the family work,” said the source. Now, this is where it gets a little … cloudy. According to the source, Olivia and Jason have been dating for more than a few weeks. “Jason found out about Harry and started the conversation,” said the source. “Olivia then asked for a separation and the news of the separation was made public.”

    Hmmm … whether it’s true or not, Jason looks devastated. Ugh, separations.

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