James Corden suggests he can get out of the ‘Late Late Show’ – and the US

The Late Late Show host James Corden says he is “homesick” for his native England – so much so that he can return there when his contract expires in August 2022.

“I have a few years to fulfill this contract. Ending the show will always be a family decision rather than a professional one, ”said Corden, who returned to the air in 2019, recently to Sun.“ It will be about people at home that we feel very, very much, that we miss. I also feel that my wife and I have three young children, and they are three grandchildren that we take from people ”.

Corden and his wife, Julia, have three children – son Max, 9, and daughters Carey, 6, and Charlotte, 3 – and moved to Los Angeles when he took on the show host after a successful TV career in the cinema and theater for decades in the UK.

“This probably seems particularly extended now during the pandemic, but I have an overwhelming feeling that our family has been walking at the pace of my drum for a long time,” said Corden, 42, who took over from Craig’s “The Late Late Show” host. Ferguson in March 2015.

Putting the coronavirus crisis aside, Corden went through an oddly bumpy year in 2020. In early December, he was criticized for his “bland” and “truly disgusting” interpretation of a gay man in the Netflix adaptation of the Broadway musical named for Tony, “The Prom”

In October, comedian Eric Andre responded to rumors of “petty” behavior by the besieged daytime announcer Ellen DeGeneres by hitting Corden, saying, “Is this what the culture of cancellation was returned to? ‘This guy is not cool!’ James Corden is fucked up if that is the only criterion to be called. (That was just two months after his name was released as a possible replacement for DeGeneres.)

And in September, an “Late Late Show” executive attracted the attention of One Direction fans when he posted – and then deleted – unpublished images of the boy band during a 2015 segment of Corden’s popular bit “Carpool Karaoke”.

Speaking of “Carpool Karaoke”, viewers were shocked to learn that Corden does not actually drive the car when shooting these segments, as witnessed by a viewer who saw Corden and Justin Bieber working in Los Angeles in a Range Rover pulled by a truck before this one. year.

But amid all the drama that surrounded him this year, at least Corden maintained his sense of humor. As part of a skit during the 2020 Oscars in February, he and his fellow “Cats” star, Rebel Wilson, scoffed at the scary CGI skin (and retouched bumps) of the musical film (which, by the way, Corden had no interest in. really seeing yourself).

In January, Corden also admitted that when he starred in the UK hit series “Gavin & Stacey” in 2007, success went to his head and he “started to behave like a brat” due to his sudden upgrade status.

“It is so intoxicating that first wave of fame, and I think it is even more intoxicating if you weren’t created for it,” he told The New Yorker, adding that his change in attitude led him to seek out a therapist. “I used to be a better person than that,” he said to the psychiatrist in his first session.
