James Corden ‘fed up with not being healthy’

When it comes to New Year’s resolutions, losing weight is certainly one of the top 5 competitors for most, which is no different for the famous among us.

In an emotional clip, late-night host James Corden details his more than a decade-long struggle to reach his ideal weight, emotionally confessing that he is “fed up” with his repeated attempts to get in shape.

“I realized that every year for the last decade – probably up to 15 years – on January 1, I told myself and anyone who wanted to hear that I’m on a diet, I’m going to lose a load of weight,” he said in a loaded clip. on the WW Youtube page.

“I am tired of my appearance, I am tired of not being healthy, this is the year I do it”, he continued. “So at Christmas I ate everything in the fridge because in my head in January I am starting this diet and it will be a success. And as you can see, no.

“In a way, it’s starting to bring me down,” he added. “I was never able to stick to something like that. I spent a lot of time accepting that this is my body and that’s it. But I’m really tired of doing the same thing every year. ”

Corden goes on to say that this time he went to WW in the hope of fulfilling his resolution.

Good friend Rebel Wilson made a similar commitment to losing weight on New Year’s Eve, considering 2020 as her “health year”.
