Israel performs world’s first cardiac accessory implant surgery

The world’s first cardiac accessory implant surgery was performed Monday at the Rabin Medical Center-Beilinson Campus in Petah Tikva, highlighting a major medical technological advance in the field of cardiac health. In this case, a patient needed a cardiac aid, but this Over time, instead of being implanted through open heart surgery, as is usually the case, the implant was simply inserted under the skin.
The 65-year-old patient underwent surgery to replace a defective and infected valve when she suffered heart failure. Emergency intervention was necessary to save his life.
By an immediate decision by Dr. Yaron Barak, director of the Heart and Lung Transplantation Programs and Mechanical Circulatory Support of the Beilinson Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery Division, the medical team began to perform a surgery that included attaching the patient to a valve implant through a subcutaneous approach – or under the skin – as opposed to the more common procedure involving open heart surgery to hide the device.

In this procedure, the patient remains fully conscious, mobile and able to perform daily tasks during the recovery process.

After the procedure, only a brief rehabilitation process was necessary and the patient was discharged home.

The procedure was completed without problems. Such treatment could open a new world of treatment for more complicated cases.
