Impeachment trial falls into chaos over Lee’s objection

The second day of the old President TrumpDonald TrumpSchoen says the Trump team will be “very well prepared” after criticism that Iowa Republicans seek to cut funds for schools with 1619 Project on the curriculum Capitol protest seen smoking in the imprisoned Rotunda MOREThe impeachment trial ended in chaos after an effort by Sen. Mike LeeMichael (Mike) Shumway LeeSenate Approves Organizational Resolution for Trump’s Second Trial LIVE COVERAGE: Senate Opens Trump’s Second Impeachment Trial The Republican Party’s ‘prisoner dilemma’ impeachment MORE (R-Utah) to remove comments from the House’s impeachment managers from official records has generated widespread confusion.

After House managers announced they were ending the day, Lee stood at his table in the Senate floor and asked to attack comments made by House legislators related to him.

“Statements were attributed to me moments ago by the House’s impeachment managers. Statements regarding the content of the conversations between a phone call involving President Trump and Senator Tuberville were not made by me. They are not accurate and are contrary to According to Rule 16, I propose that they be removed from the registry, “said Lee.

Lee appeared to be referring to statements made by the representative. David CicillineDavid CicillineVideo arouses emotions on the first day of Trump’s trial LIVE COVERAGE: Senate opens Trump’s second impeachment trial The House formally sends the impeachment to the Senate, putting Trump on trial for rioting on Capitol Hill MORE (DR.I.), who, while part of the House managers’ presentation, said that former President Trump tried to call Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.) On January 6 and instead called for Lee.

Lee previously told Deseret News, in an article published on January 7, that Trump called him on January 6 thinking he was calling Tuberville. Lee, according to the article, also said he stood by while they talked so as not to lose the phone.

“Senator Lee described it. He had just ended a prayer with his colleagues here in the Senate chamber and the phone rang. It was Donald Trump. Senator Lee explains that the call goes something like this. ‘Hey, Tommy,” Trump question. Senator Lee says, “This is not Tommy. He passes the phone to Senator Tuberville,” said Cicilline.

“Senator Lee then confirmed that he stood by while Senator Tuberville and President Trump were talking on the phone. And on this call, Donald Trump allegedly asked Senator Tuberville to object further to the certification process,” he continued.

Before he even got up to make his motion, Lee seemed visibly angry at the comments. He was seen at his desk pulling a sheet of paper out of a notepad and writing, “This is not what happened.” He handed the paper over to David Schoen, one of Trump’s lawyers.

Sen. Patrick LeahyPatrick Joseph LeahyTrump’s attorney says that Roberts’ absence creates a conflict of interest for Democrats Chief Justice Roberts is paving the way for Trump to claim his trial is unconstitutional LIVE COVERAGE: Senate opens second Trump impeachment trial MORE (D-Vt.), Who is presiding over the trial, seemed to disagree with Lee’s request, since he objected based on information he obtained from the Senate team.

The confusion quickly generated widespread confusion, with senators trying to find out what Lee was saying was unnecessary and what Lee was forcing a vote. The situation was complicated because Leahy’s microphone sometimes appeared to be defective.

Sen. Roger WickerRoger Frederick WickerGOP senators send clear signal: Trump is being acquitted OVERNIGHT ENERGY: Senate advances nomination for Biden EPA pick Regan | Study: Fossil fuel air pollution associated with 1 in 5 deaths worldwide | Biden has more time to decide on Dakota Access Pipeline Senate advances nomination for Biden EPA pick Regan MORE (R-Miss.) He asked Leahy which senators would vote for. When Leahy repeated himself, Lee intervened again to argue that they were not complying with his request that statements made by the House’s impeachment administrators be removed from official records.

“That is not my motion. … What I asked was – statements have been attributed to me repeatedly, of which I have personal knowledge because I am the source. They are not true,” said Lee.

Republicans could be heard shouting, “Listen! Listen!” after Lee finished speaking. Sen. Joe ManchinJoseph (Joe) ManchinOVERNIGHT ENERGY: Senate advances nomination for Biden EPA pick Regan | Study: Fossil fuel air pollution associated with 1 in 5 deaths worldwide | Biden has more time to decide on the Dakota access pipeline. Manchin urges Biden to reverse the Keystone pipeline. Sanders says Biden sees progressives as “a strong part of his coalition” MORE (DW.Va.) also came on the scene at that point, and the Senate majority leader Charles SchumerChuck SchumerTrump’s lawyer says Roberts’ absence creates a conflict of interest for Democrats Budget reconciliation may be the only hope for lower drug prices LIVE COVERAGE: Senate opens second Trump impeachment trial MORE (DN.Y.) could be heard on a hot microphone asking, “Who’s talking? Joe? What’s he doing?”

When Leahy appeared to be preparing for a vote, Manchin interrupted again.

“Let him explain. Please, let him explain … Why was it fake?” Said Manchin.

Lee indicated that he would be willing to answer Manchin’s question. Leahy said the debate was not in order, but the senators shouted that they could not hear him.

Schumer interrupted to try to get clarification on what was being voted on. In the midst of further confusion, he paused the test “while we sort this out.”

When the Senate met again, Congressman Jamie RaskinJamin (Jamie) Ben RaskinVideo arouses emotions on the first day of Trump’s trial. Republican Party senators “perplexed” by Trump’s legal defense “out of focus” and “weaker”. (D-Md.), The chief impeachment manager, announced that they were agreeing with Lee’s request to break the record.

“Sir. Cicilline correctly and precisely quoted a newspaper report, which the distinguished senator objected to, so we are happy to withdraw it,” said Raskin.

“This is a lot of noise for nothing because it is not critical for our case,” said Raskin before leaving the podium.

Lee, however, seemed dissatisfied, shooting back: “You are not the only one named as a witness, sir.”
