Impeachment managers ask Trump to testify before or during the Senate trial

The Chamber’s impeachment administrators on Thursday formally requested that President TrumpDonald Trump Pelosi pressures Newsom to choose Schiff for the next California AG: report The Palm Beach city attorney says Trump must be able to live on the Mar-a-Lago Trump heliport in Mar-a-Lago to be demolished soon MORE testify under oath in your Senate impeachment trial that begins next week.

Rep. Jamie RaskinJamin (Jamie) Ben Raskin Impeachment managers say Trump’s conduct requires condemnation. The House formally sends the impeachment to the Senate, bringing Trump to trial for a riot on Capitol Hill. Inauguration parties lose their luster and glamor in 2021 MORE (D-Md.), The Democrats’ top impeachment manager, sent a letter to Trump and his lawyers alleging that his defense – outlined Tuesday in a legal report – denies “indisputable facts” about Trump’s role in the deadly uprising of January 6 in the capital.

“So you tried to put critical facts in question, despite clear and overwhelming evidence of your constitutional offense,” Raskin wrote to Trump. “In light of your challenge to these factual allegations, I am writing to invite you to testify under oath, before or during the Senate impeachment trial, regarding your conduct on January 6, 2021.”

Raskin asked Trump to testify and face interrogation as early as Monday and no later than February 11, adding, “We will be delighted to provide such testimony at a mutually convenient time and place.”

Trump’s camp did not immediately respond to requests for comment Thursday afternoon.

Updated at 13h39
