Images of the Mario Kart ride leaked on Super Nintendo World

Earlier this month, Universal Studios Japan announced that the opening of Super Nintendo World would be postponed. The launch was originally due to take place next week, on February 4. However, concerns about the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic have delayed the launch of the park until further notice. Despite all that, rehearsals for the park were still going on. An attraction that is shrouded in mystery is the Mario Kart: Koopa’s challenge tour. We saw a brief glimpse of the attraction during the Shigeru Miyamoto park tour in December, but that was it. However, some images have emerged online that show AR Mario Kart ride in action. Presumably, this was recorded by visitors who attended a prior event, although the USJ has explicitly stated that it does not share information.

From the footage, it looks like you’ll be able to shoot projectiles at Bowser and other pilots. When you reach the finish line, you can see the results. The Mario Kart: Koopa’s challenge It looks like it will be a lot of fun when it is released to the public later this year on Super Nintendo World.

Last month, we gave a preview of the various activities presented in the park and different places that you can explore. The launch of Super Nintendo World may be delayed for now, but we will keep them updated when more announcements are made.

