If you drink so much coffee a day, your heart is in danger, study concluded


Coffee lovers, we have good news and bad news. First, the good. According to medical experts Johns Hopkins, drinking “the right amount” of coffee has a number of health benefits, from reducing the risk of cancer to lowering Alzheimer’s rates and a healthier heart. Now, the bad news. Drinking too much coffee can reverse this last benefit, significantly increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). But if your drinking habit can help and harm your health, how much is also much, exactly? A new study by the Australian Center for Precision Health at the University of South Australia found that people who drink at least six cups of coffee a day are at increased risk of CVD. Read on to find out how your drinking habit can put you in danger, and for more information on heart health, if you are feeling these three subtle things, your heart may be in danger.

The study, which was published in the journal Clinical Nutrition found that “long-term heavy coffee consumption [of] six or more cups a day ”increases the amount of lipids in your blood, putting you at greater risk for CVD. As the study’s authors explain, this is because coffee beans contain a potent cholesterol-raising compound called “cafestol”.

“In this study, we analyzed the genetic and phenotypic associations between coffee intake and plasma lipid profiles – cholesterol and blood fats – finding evidence that regular coffee consumption contributes to … the risk of heart disease” , the researchers shared in a press release.

That said, not all cups of coffee are created the same way from the point of view of heart health, the researchers say. “Cafestol is present mainly in unfiltered beers, such as the French press, Turkish and Greek coffees, but it is also in espresso, which is the basis for most coffees made by baristas, including lattes and cappuccinos”, they explain. filtered and instant coffee do not contain significant amounts of cafestol, potentially making them safer choices for those who drink a lot of coffee or for those with other cardiovascular risk factors.

However, this does not mean that you should give up your favorite drink yet – as long as you drink it in moderation. Read on to learn about some of the surprising ways that coffee can improve your health, and for more reasons to give in to those jones, check out these 30 incredible health benefits from your cup of coffee.

rubiks cube, habits of smart people

You probably already know that a cup of coffee can help you feel more focused, but less people realize that it can also improve your memory. A study by the Radiological Society of North America found that drinking two cups of coffee a day had a positive effect on short-term memory retention.

By monitoring the brain while study participants engaged in short-term memory skills, “we were able to show that caffeine modulates superior brain function,” said the study’s co-author. Florian Koppelstätter, MD, PhD, radiology researcher at Medical University Innsbruck, Austria. In particular, caffeine appeared to stimulate “the frontal lobe, where a part of the working memory network is located, and the anterior cingulate, the part of the brain that controls attention”. And for more health news delivered straight to your inbox, sign up for our daily newsletter.

Smiling African business woman looking over her shoulder while sitting at the board table with colleagues working in the background

If life in block has made you feel sluggish, a daily cup or two of coffee can help you recover. A 2014 study published in the journal Nutrients found that coffee consumption is linked to faster reaction time and better job performance – which can make you more efficient and proficient in all types of daily tasks.

To test their theory, the team behind the study simulated a taekwondo competition, giving some participants caffeine at regular intervals to assess how it influenced performance. They found that athletes who consumed caffeine increased “potency, speed, agility, attention and reaction time” and, more generally, an “improvement in human performance”. And if you want to stay healthy, if you have this problem with your eyes, your risk of heart disease is high.

group of happy friends with coffee walking in autumn park and laughing

If you are like many people, you may notice a marked improvement in mood after your morning cup of coffee. That’s because coffee can serve as a moderate antidepressant, increasing the brain’s neurotransmitters to feel good.

A 2014 study published in World Journal of Biological Psychiatry examined 44,000 men and 74,000 women and found that regular coffee drinkers had lower rates of depression than those who did not drink coffee. Surprisingly, they reported that drinking a few cups of coffee a day was associated with a 50% reduction in suicide risk.

Man with diabetes testing his blood sugar misdiagnosed male health problems

While filling your coffee with cream and sugar can easily trigger the opposite effect, the Mayo Clinic points out that many studies have suggested that coffee itself can reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

However, if you happen to already have diabetes, you should limit your coffee intake. “Caffeine’s impact on insulin action may be associated with higher or lower blood sugar levels. For some people with diabetes, about 200 milligrams of caffeine – or the equivalent of one to two 8-ounce cups (240 milliliters) of pure coffee – can cause this effect, ”explains the Mayo Clinic. And for news about heart health, if you can’t do it in 90 seconds, your heart is in danger, the study says.
