Here are the reopening plans for 18 local school divisions

ROANOKE, Va. – 10 News is working for you, tracking what local school districts are planning to do for the rest of the school year.

This list was compiled before Governor Ralph Northam’s announcement on Friday, saying that students need to receive some form of face-to-face learning by March 15.

We will continue to update this list as we get new information. You can send an email to [email protected] with questions or updates.

The school division is considering expanding grades 4-12 to four days a week from two days a week. PreK students in 3rd grade have been full-time since 11 August. The division plans to see what happens next month.


The school division once again offered face-to-face classes to all students, four days a week. Wednesdays are still virtual learning days. Students also have the option of attending the “Cavaliers Connected” virtual learning program.

Craig County has been operating with the following schedule since the beginning of the school year:

  • Craig County High School: face-to-face classes two days / week and virtual classes the other days

  • Craig County Middle School: face-to-face classes four days / week and virtual on Fridays

  • McCleary Elementary School: Beginning in the second semester (January 20), McCleary Elementary School students attend 5 days a week.

All students still have the option of virtual teaching.

The School Division continues with our hybrid plan for the second semester. Some of our students have chosen virtual teaching and others face-to-face.

  • High school students will remain online until February 15. During this time, the college will notify all students who are abandoning virtual learning or new enrollments, if they are on an A or B-Day schedule. Current high school students will keep their original schedules from Day A or B until the end of the third week, March 26. More information will be provided after the March School Council meeting.

  • Eighth grade students will return for 4 days a week (M, Tu, Thu, F) starting on February 15

  • The 7th grade preschooler will continue 4 days a week (M, Tu, Th, F)

  • On Wednesdays, all students from preschool to 12th grade will continue to participate in virtual learning

The school division expects the PK-3 to return to face-to-face learning on February 16. The plan is to transfer more students in person after that.

The school division has closely followed local COVID data, as well as quarantine rates and positive percentage of the division since the return of winter holidays and is happy to note that trends show that schools can move towards reopening for instruction. hybrid on March 10.


Students will have the option to return to hybrid education or to remain as virtual students.

As in the fall semester, a student can switch between formats as needed based on individual circumstances.

Any student who needs to switch between hybrid and virtual education should speak to their principal.

Similar to the hybrid fall instruction plan, PreK and first graders, as well as students in specialized classes, will be scheduled to attend four days a week instead of two. For planning purposes, students who previously attended four days a week should notify the principal if they wish to attend only two days a week.

Lexington City Schools students returned to face-to-face learning on Monday, February 1. K-8 students who choose personally will go to school from Monday to Thursday, with Friday being a designated home learning day. Families that choose to remain virtual have the option to do so.


Martinsville has been completely virtual since March 2020, when schools closed for face-to-face learning. The superintendent said that once the teachers have been vaccinated, the school division intends to bring students back to the classroom, starting with the first students, students with special needs and English students. Teachers had the option of being vaccinated on February 2 for the first dose.

Stay where you are with four live half-days each week for all levels of education.

Nelson County is still virtual, with an attempted hybrid return to PK-3 on February 15. No changes have been made to date.

North Cross has been open since September. “We are masked, socially distant and we test our students every two weeks to prevent the virus from spreading. So far, we’ve done more than 5,000 tests and we haven’t had an outbreak in the classroom. If schools are socially distant and masked, transmission of the disease is possible, but not very likely, ”said Chris Proctor, director of the school.


Currently, Pittsylvania County has students participating in person using a hybrid model. PreK 3rd grade students, special education students and English (ECC) students attend in person four days a week. 4th to 12th grade students attend two days a week in an AB day format. Wednesdays are remote learning days for students. Parents also have the option for students to participate in a completely remote format. They have been using this modality since September 28th.

“At the moment, we are reviewing the state’s guidelines and planning the work with the expectation of bringing more students personally, as long as we can do it safely and in accordance with the current CDC and HRD guidelines,” in an email to the 10 News.

Planned to return all students four days a week starting February 3, 2021.

On February 19, all students declare their learning model for the remainder of the 2020-2021 school year. Students and families will have two models to choose from four days a week, face to face in the school building, or to learn remotely (asynchronously) at home four days a week.


Superintendent Rob Graham said, “We anticipate that approximately two-thirds of our school population will return to the face-to-face model today. Look for more information about returning 4 days a week in the near future. “

The current plans for the school division are on the reopening page:

Superintendent White said during a recent School Council Workshop, they are in the planning stages now for the fourth quarter so they can have conversations with the task force, with our teachers, focus groups and others.

Roanoke County continues with its current plans. The school division started the school year with PK-2 grades full time, with personal instruction.

In late October, added the third series.

On January 25, they added the fourth series.

“At this point, we are practically at the limit of our capacity, maintaining a distance of two meters. If we can reduce that physical distance, we can make some additional changes. We continue to work with the health department on our plans, ”said a school spokesman in an email to 10 News.


“We have offered the face-to-face option in Salem from the beginning on August 31, 2020. The School Division of the City of Salem has been meeting the VDOE / Governor’s expectations for face-to-face learning since the schools opened last August. We will continue to do this while observing the recommendations for maintaining physical distance and facial coverage, ”said a school spokesman in an email to 10 News. “We are still on the same plan, which worked well and allowed us to follow the social distance of 6 feet in our buildings with exclusive design. If the physical distance recommendation changes, allowing us to increase the number of students who can safely attend school, we are well positioned to transition to higher levels of student attendance. We recognize that online learning has been a struggle for many and, as a result, we are implementing plans to help these students with more “face to face” learning opportunities.


Wythe County resumed face-to-face classes four days a week, with Wednesday still a virtual day for everyone.

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