Groceries sue Oakland over new $ 5 an hour risk payment order for supermarkets

The California Grocers Association sued Oakland on Wednesday, just a day after the City Council voted to demand that top food vendors give workers a $ 5 an hour increase in compensation for the additional risks and stress of operating on the lines. facing during the pandemic coronavirus.

The commercial group, which represents the majority of supermarkets in California, is seeking that the new law be declared invalid and unconstitutional.

The lawsuit and related cases elsewhere emerge at a time when the momentum of health hazard premiums for supermarket workers grows during the pandemic.

The commercial group also filed a lawsuit on Wednesday against Montebello (Los Angeles County), which enacted a similar law a few days ago. The Grocers Association has a pending lawsuit against Long Beach (Los Angeles County), which in January became the first city in California to impose a hazard pay on supermarket employees.

Oakland City Council voted unanimously on Tuesday to demand the payment of dangerous goods in large supermarkets. His justification: grocery store workers became essential workers during the pandemic, and their internal jobs that involve extensive customer contact are now fraught with risks. The emergency measure took effect immediately.
