Google silently undermines some features of astrophotography on Pixel phones

The “Google 8.1 Camera” update arrived in November, and it took a few months for users to realize that Google has quietly removed functionality for certain phone models: the ultra-wide-angle lens no longer captures astrophotography images.

The Verge reports that Pixel 4a 5G and Pixel 5 owners no longer have the option of using the phone’s Night Sight mode in conjunction with the ultra wide-angle lens facing backwards. Instead, users are instructed to “zoom in to 1x for astrophotography”.

Google’s low-light photography support document references the update, but does not offer any explanation as to why this change was made. However, Pixel users were discussing the features of the ultra-wide star in November, and the low quality of the images suggests that Google may have been embarrassed to take action. As one owner observed: “the quality is horrible, green, stained and full of noise”. Confirming the problem, a second user offers his ideas optimistically: “Hopefully, this can be fixed with an update, instead of the wide-angle hardware not being up to the job”.

Another comments that Google seems to have silently turned off star functionality instead of solving the problem. Users may have expected an apology and an acknowledgment that the problem cannot be fixed.

Do You Own Google Pixel? Do you now own a phone that has been quietly demoted by Google? Let us know in the comments below.
