Google Maps zoom-in shows people ‘committing crimes’

Google Maps is an incredibly useful tool that allows us to plan routes for long journeys, test our geographic knowledge, and generally snoop around places.

However, a TikTok user believes he saw people ‘committing a crime’ while surfing the site recently.

The user, known as ‘Discarded Content’, shared a video that appears to show a group in Poland stealing train tracks in broad daylight.

The video explains: “You will not believe what I just found.

“I thought I saw everything.”

The user then zooms in on the map, showing a group of people carrying train tracks on a wheelbarrow on a train line.

The video continues: “But they are literally stealing the train tracks.”

It has been seen thousands of times, with people commenting to share their total disbelief in what appears to be a blatant act of theft.

One user said: “They must have an internal connection at the railway company, normally these tracks are welded together.”

Credit: TikTok
Credit: TikTok

While another trusted the group in the photo more, adding: “Maybe they are helping to replace it.”

Google Earth shows a pile of skeletal remains on the ground in Chernobyl
published in13 days ago

But this is not the first time that Google Maps has come across something very strange. Not a long way.

The pair climbed a remote mountain road in western Taiwan in search of an encounter with nature and presumably thought the Google Maps car was the least of their worries – but, unfortunately, they were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The sighting of the street was shared for the first time on social media along with the caption: “I took a look at Google to see if I would find any animals and, unexpectedly, I came across this wonderful sight!

“Google Maps is the greatest invention of all time – it is bigger than God. Big Brother is watching. You are making babies and now we are watching you.”

They made it a little more sinister than necessary, if you ask me, but hey-ho.
