George W. Bush ridicules the violation of the US Capitol as ‘sick and moving’

“This is how election results are disputed in a banana republic – not our democratic republic. I am shocked by the reckless behavior of some political leaders since the elections and the lack of respect shown today by our institutions, our traditions and our The violent attack on the Capitol – and the interruption of a Congress meeting ordered by the Constitution – was carried out by people whose passions were ignited by lies and false hopes, “said Bush.

In the United States, he said, “It is the fundamental responsibility of every patriotic citizen to support the rule of law. For those who are disappointed with the election results: Our country is more important than the politics of the moment.”

Bush’s message came along with chaos on Capitol Hill after supporters encouraged by President Donald Trump violated the complex, casting doubt on when Congress would resume counting the Electoral College votes and declare President-elect Joe Biden the winner of the election.

Only after pleading with Congressional aides and allies within the besieged Capitol, did Trump release a video urging protesters to “go home” while still fanning their misplaced complaints about a stolen election.

In the video, he also praised the crowd, who forcibly invaded the Capitol, stole items from their rooms and posed for photos in legislative chambers. “We love you,” said Trump. “You are very special.”

Bush, for his part, warned in his statement that “insurrection can cause serious damage to our nation and our reputation” and urged people to “let the elected officials do their duty and represent our voices in peace and security. “.

Although Bush has remained largely out of politics since leaving office in January 2009, he was quick to congratulate Biden in November, both in a phone call and in a statement that said that although Trump had the right to seek legal challenges and recounts, the race was “fundamentally fair” and “its result is clear”.

“Although we have political differences, I know that Joe Biden is a good man, who has gained the opportunity to lead and unify our country,” said Bush. “The president-elect reiterated that although he runs as a Democrat, he will rule for all Americans. I offered him the same thing that I offered to Presidents Trump and Obama: my prayers for his success and my promise to help in whatever way I can.”

This is a last-minute story and will be updated.
