‘Game of Thrones’ Prequel ‘Tales of Dunk and Egg’ on HBO

Photo-illustration: Vulture and Dabel Brothers Productions

But how many dragons? Variety is reporting that one more War of Thrones prequel will go to HBO, almost two years after the original series sold out spectacularly on the network. Tales of Dunk and Egg, a series of novels written by George RR Martin, and not, as we initially suspect, a Moody Blues album, takes place about 90 years before the events of the main series and revolves around Aegon V Targaryen (Egg, a squire and not east) and Ser Duncan the Tall (Dunk, a walking knight) while traveling together through Westeros. Over Martin’s three Dunk and Egg novellas, the duo gets involved in some classic antics during various adventures, with the trilogy generally being a little more innocent (read: less bloody) than the main series. Variety adds that no writer or actor has been confirmed yet, so Vulture will, as always, suggest Matt Berry to one of the protagonists. With Dunk and Egg moving forward, now joins the other GOT prequela, Dragon House, on HBO, which has already reached the production stage with Matt Smith and Olivia Cooke in the lead roles. Naomi Watts’ prequel, however, is still dead and lost.
