France increases border control and extends the curfew across the country.

France tightened border controls and extended the curfew across the country on Thursday to keep the coronavirus under control, but officials have warned that further restrictions will be possible in the coming days if the epidemic worsens.

As of next Monday, all travelers who come to France from countries outside the European Union will have to provide proof of a negative virus test that is no longer than 72 hours, and will have to commit to isolating for seven days before taking the test again, although it is unclear how this measure will be applied. France will work with other European Union countries in the coming weeks on a coordinated protocol for travel by member countries, according to Jean Castex, the French prime minister.

Castex praised the French for following the distance rules during winter holidays, noting that health officials have not recorded an “epidemic outbreak” linked to Christmas or New Year celebrations. But he also said that authorities are concerned about new variants of the virus, especially the most contagious virus first identified in Britain.

“We must do everything to prevent it from spreading quickly,” said Castex.

The average number of daily cases in France is about 16,000, said Castex – far less than at the peak of the second wave last fall, but still more than three times the government’s target to loosen restrictions. Hospitalizations stabilized at a high level, with almost 25,000 patients with Covid-19. Nearly 70,000 people died from the virus.

The 8 pm curfew was already in effect in most of France and has been reduced to 6 pm in some areas. Starting on Saturday and for at least 15 days, with certain exceptions, everyone will have to be home by 6pm, said Castex, and stores will have to close by then. The government has pledged to continue offering license programs, grants, loan guarantees and tax incentives to companies in distress.

Schools, however, will remain open with stricter health protocols, preventing classes from mixing in cafeterias, for example, and suspending all internal physical activities. In addition, France said on Thursday that it plans to test the virus on up to one million school children and teachers every month.

Olivier Véran, France’s health minister, said the tests will be carried out “wherever it makes sense” and will include school-aged children from 6 years old.

“What we know so far is that in fact the virus looks more contagious among children,” Véran told reporters. Véran said the government is “watching closely” the spread of the variant, which was reported in about 1% of all positive virus tests in France over the past two days last week, according to health officials.

France has also accelerated its vaccination implementation after a slow start, with some 318,000 people vaccinated so far. The campaign focused on health workers and residents of nursing homes or nursing homes, but Castex said it would accelerate on Monday as vaccines will be made available to people over 75 and those considered at risk by cause of serious illness. About 700 vaccination centers will be opened to accommodate the flow of new patients.

“The priority of the priorities to get out of this crisis is the use of vaccination,” said Castex. “But we must show patience and responsibility collectively, because vaccination will not protect us enough until several more months.”
