Former Facebook executive shares Orwellian plan to eliminate Bronson Stocking conservatives

Former Facebook security chief Alex Stamos told CNN’s Brian Stelter on Sunday that something must be done to prevent conservative speech from reaching tens of millions of Americans.

“People have a lot of options now,” complained Stamos. “They can choose what their news sources are. They can choose the influencers they want to follow and they can try to seal anything that helps them to question that.”

Leftists don’t like competition. If they could have a truth ministry, like the one that AOC is promoting, controlling the narrative would be much easier.

Stamos then called for conservative voices to be removed from social media in the same way that ISIS advertising was removed from the internet.

“I think we need to do some things,” continued Stamos. “First, there needs to be intentional work by social media companies, collaborating together to work on violent extremism the same way they worked on ISIS.”

Stamos recalled how Facebook and other major social media companies worked with the government to ban ISIS, saying the same approach should be taken with conservatives.

“And, secondly, we have to decrease the capacity of these conservative influencers to reach this large audience,” continued Stamos. “There are people on YouTube, for example, who have a larger audience than daytime CNN and are extremely radical in promoting extremely radical views.”

And? Where in the Constitution does it say that most Americans should hear false CNN news? The final part of their Orwellian plan includes forcing cable providers to remove OANN and Newsmax from their programming.

“And then we will have to discover the problem with OANN and Newsmax,” said the totalitarian. “These companies have free speech, but I’m not sure if we need Verizon, AT&T, Comcast and others to take them to tens of millions of homes. Allowing people to search for information if they really want to, but without pushing it to their customers. faces I think that’s where we’re going to have to go here. ”

Of course, if no one can watch a news channel, it won’t be in the market for long, which is the point. In addition, Google is already working to make sure you don’t find the information. Leftists don’t care about conservative discourse, as long as no one hears it.
