Final WandaVision post-credit scene explained

It may be a new law on Marvel television that the importance of an episode directly correlates with the length and number of average and post-credit scenes. WandaVisionThe penultimate episode of ended with a revelation in the middle of White Vision credits, and the end of the season (and perhaps series) ended two credit scenes – the first, in the middle of the credits, finding Monica Rambeau visited by an ambassador of some space dweller (Dr. Strange? Talos or Nick Fury?), and the second, a true post-credit scene meeting Wanda at the side of the cottage in full Scarlet Witch mode, studying a book while their dead children, Billy and Tommy, (have they been alive to begin with?) scream out of the void.

The fate of WandaVision it is not clear. Although there are no announced plans to continue the series, Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige said the option remains open. Let’s be honest: the option is always open. But even though Wanda’s specific series has come to an end, WandaVision it certainly won’t be the last time we meet Wanda, Monica, Agent Woo, White Vision or Billy and Tommy. (Wanda herself is confirmed to appear in Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness, which is scheduled for a launch in early 2022—Elizabeth Olsen calling WandaVision a tee-up for that movie.)

These last characters, Billy and Tommy, are the last voices we hear in WandaVision, crying “mom, help!” But his characters are not simply dissolved imaginative signs of Wanda’s sitcom fantasy. In more ways than one, they were truly born.

wiccan and speed


Where are Billy and Tommy Maximoff?

Comic book readers were probably not surprised by the twins’ appearance and “death”. In the Marvel comics, Billy and Tommy were also born out of Wanda and Vision – also through … strange and fast-paced circumstances. The boys, however, are soon absorbed by Mephisto – something like a Faustian demon, changing souls, cursing people, the whole thing – and then, in a sense, they die. (In the comics, Agatha casts a spell on Wanda to forget his “death”.)

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Later, the souls of Billy and Tommy are able to overpower Mephisto with Wanda’s help. With their souls freed, the two boys are then reincarnated into different children, born to different parents. The two eventually unite and unite in Young Avengers.

Perhaps this is what Wanda is starting to do at the cottage – to fight to save the souls of Billy and Tommy and, with them, the future of the MCU.

If events follow the comics, Billy and Tommy will become Wiccan and Speed. They will be accompanied by Kate Bishop – “Hawkeye”, after Clint Barton, the other Hawkeye. Bishop, we know, will be played by Hailee Steinfeld and will appear on the Disney + series, Hawkeye, which will be released at Disney + later this year. It is not unlikely that the Hawkeye series finds a new Billy and Tommy. Young Avengers, get together.


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