Feds assessing sedition and conspiracy charges for Capitol troublemakers

The week

Joint chiefs clearly remind the military that Biden will be president, ‘sedition and insurrection’ are illegal

In an extraordinary letter on Tuesday, all eight of the top US military officers told the US military that the mafia’s deadly attack on the US Capitol was an illegal “direct attack” not only on Congress, but also on constitutional order. of America and “the rights of freedom of expression and assembly does not give anyone the right to resort to violence, sedition and insurrection.” The letter from the Joint Chiefs of Staff came after the approval of Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy of 15,000 Guards Nationals, some armed with lethal weapons, to help Capitol security amid credible threats of violence from armed militia groups that led to the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden next Tuesday. Biden, the four-star generals reminded US forces in their letter, “It will be inaugurated and you will become our 46th commander in chief.”> The Joint Chiefs of Staff sent this letter to the US military about the attack on the US Capitol, and the next transition of power for President-elect Biden as “our 46th Commander in Chief”. pic.twitter.com/IzlYmAygfe >> – Breaking News (@BreakingNews) January 12, 2021 “As members of the service, we must embody the nation’s values ​​and ideals,” said the Joint Chiefs. “We support and defend the Constitution. Any act that interrupts the constitutional process is not just against our traditions, values ​​and oath; it is against the law.” Some retired military personnel participated in Wednesday’s insurrection, and Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-Il.) Asked the Pentagon on Monday to cooperate with the FBI and Capitol Police to determine the extent of participation in the “seditious conspiracy” by current and ex-military members. Another veteran, Rep. Jason Crow (D-Col.), Said on Sunday that McCarthy should examine all military personnel involved in security of tenure to ensure that none are “sympathetic to domestic terrorists”. More news from theweek.com Democrats realize the danger Are they in? America’s encounter with reality What it always dealt with in ‘Blue Lives Matter’
